Article L3123-33 of the French Labour Code
Intermittent work contracts may be concluded in companies covered by a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, by an extended branch agreement or convention which makes provision for them.
Intermittent work contracts may be concluded in companies covered by a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, by an extended branch agreement or convention which makes provision for them.
Intermittent employment contracts are open-ended contracts. It may be concluded to fill a permanent position which, by its very nature, involves alternating periods of work and periods of non-work. The contract must be in writing. It shall mention in particular: 1° The employee’s qualifications ; 2° The elements of the remuneration ; 3° The employee’s minimum annual working time; 4° The work periods ; 5° The distribution of working hours…
The hours in excess of the minimum annual duration set in the intermittent employment contract may not exceed one third of this duration, unless the employee agrees.
The employee holding an intermittent employment contract benefits from the rights granted to full-time employees, subject, as regards the contractual rights mentioned in article L. 3123-38, to the specific terms and conditions provided for by the agreement or the extended collective labour agreement or by a company or establishment agreement. For the determination of rights linked to seniority, periods not worked are taken into account in full.
The adapted companies referred to in article L. 5213-13 may conclude an intermittent employment contract even in the absence of a collective labour agreement, provided that this contract is concluded with a disabled worker who is a beneficiary of the employment obligation within the meaning of article L. 5212-13.
A company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an extended branch agreement or convention defines the permanent jobs that may be filled by employees holding an intermittent employment contract. This agreement determines, where applicable, the specific contractual rights of employees holding intermittent employment contracts. It may provide that the monthly remuneration paid to employees with intermittent contracts of employment is independent of the actual working hours and, in this case,…
All employees benefit from a minimum daily rest period of eleven consecutive hours, except in the cases provided for in articles L. 3131-2 and L. 3131-3 or in emergencies, under conditions determined by decree.
A company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an industry-level agreement or arrangement may derogate from the minimum daily rest period provided for in article L. 3131-1, under conditions determined by decree, particularly for activities characterised by the need to ensure continuity of service or by split shifts.
In the absence of an agreement, in the event of an exceptional increase in activity, the minimum daily rest period may be waived under conditions defined by decree.
No employee may work more than six days a week.
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