Article L3141-11 of the French Labour Code
In the absence of a stipulation in the agreement concluded in application of article L. 3141-10, the start of the reference period for the acquisition of leave is set by a decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
In the absence of a stipulation in the agreement concluded in application of article L. 3141-10, the start of the reference period for the acquisition of leave is set by a decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
Leave may be taken as soon as the employee is hired, without prejudice to the rules for determining the period of leave and the order in which it is taken, and to the rules for splitting leave as set out in this section.
Holiday is taken during a period which in all cases includes the period from 1 May to 31 October each year.
Spouses and partners in a civil solidarity pact working for the same company are entitled to simultaneous leave.
A company or establishment agreement or, failing that, a branch agreement or convention sets : 1° The period during which leave may be taken ; 2° The order of departures during this period; 3° The deadlines to be met by the employer if he intends to change the order and dates of departures.
In the absence of any stipulation in the agreement concluded pursuant to Article L. 3141-15, the employer : 1° Defines, after consulting the social and economic committee where applicable: a) The period during which the leave is taken ; b) The order of departure, taking into account the following criteria: -the family situation of the beneficiaries, in particular the possibilities of leave, in the private sector or the civil service,…
The amount of leave that may be taken in one go may not exceed twenty-four working days. Individual exceptions to this limit may be made for employees who can prove that they are subject to particular geographical constraints or that they have a child, a disabled adult or an elderly person who is losing their independence.
Where leave does not exceed twelve working days, it must be continuous.
Where the main leave period is longer than twelve working days, it may be split with the employee’s agreement. This agreement is not necessary when the leave takes place during the period when the establishment is closed. One of the fractions is at least equal to twelve continuous working days between two weekly rest days.
The rules governing the splitting of leave provided for in this sub-section may be waived in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraphs 2 and 3.
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