Article L6145-15 of the French Public Health Code
The obligations imposed on public health institutions may not prejudice the rights and obligations resulting from foundations made for their benefit.
The obligations imposed on public health institutions may not prejudice the rights and obligations resulting from foundations made for their benefit.
The accounts of public health institutions defined by decree are certified. The methods of certification, by an auditor or by the Cour des Comptes (Court of Auditors), are laid down by regulation.
I.-Public health institutions and their groupings may only take out loans with credit institutions within the following limits and subject to the following conditions: 1° The loan must be denominated in euros ; 2° The interest rate may be fixed or variable; 3° The indexation formula for variable rates must meet the criteria of simplicity or predictability of the financial expenses of public health institutions and their groupings. II –…
Where necessary, regulatory measures shall determine the procedures for applying the provisions of this chapter. Unless otherwise provided, they shall be adopted by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
Public health establishments are free to define their internal organisation in order to carry out their missions, subject to the provisions of this chapter. The director and the chairman of the establishment’s medical commission shall jointly define the organisation of the establishment into centres of activity in accordance with the establishment’s medical project, after consulting, in university hospital centres, the director of the medical training and research unit. The centres…
The departments referred to in Article L. 6146-1 are the benchmark for the organisation, relevance, quality and safety of care, local supervision of medical and paramedical teams, supervision of interns and health students and quality of life at work. They are managed by a department head, who is responsible for the internal structure, in close collaboration with the health executive. In hospitals and university hospital centres, the head of department…
By way of derogation from articles L. 6146-1 and L. 6146-1-1, the director and the chairman of the medical commission of a public health establishment may decide to freely organise the medical operation and the provision of care, in accordance with the establishment’s medical project approved by the management board. This decision is taken with the approval of the medical commission of the establishment and the nursing, re-education and medico-technical…
Under conditions laid down by regulation, the director of a public health establishment may, on a proposal from the head of the department, after obtaining the opinion of the chairman of the establishment’s medical commission, admit doctors, midwives and odontologists practising on a freelance basis, other than statutory practitioners practising within the framework of the provisions of article L. 6154-1, and doctors, midwives and odontologists practising on a voluntary basis…
Public health establishments may use medical, odontological and pharmaceutical staff for temporary work assignments, under the conditions laid down in article 9-3 of law no. 86-33 of 9 January 1986 on statutory provisions relating to the hospital civil service. The temporary employment agencies mentioned in article L. 1251-1 of the Labour Code certify to the health care institutions, before the start of the temporary employment assignment of the professional proposed,…
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency, when informed by the public accountant of the irregularity of legal acts concluded by a public health institution with a temporary employment company, in application of Article L. 6146-3, or with a practitioner for the performance of temporary work, in application of 2° of Article L. 6152-1, shall refer these acts to the competent administrative court. The director of the establishment concerned…
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