Article R4532-41 of the French Labour Code
The logbook is kept by the coordinator for a period of five years from the date of acceptance of the work.
The logbook is kept by the coordinator for a period of five years from the date of acceptance of the work.
The project owner, or the main contractor in the case of subcontracting, mentions in the documents given to the contractors that the site on which they will be working if a contract is signed is subject to the obligation of a general health and safety coordination plan.
The general co-ordination plan is a written document that defines all the measures needed to prevent risks arising from interference between the activities of the various parties involved on the site, or from the succession of their activities when a project leaves risks for other companies after it has been completed.
The general co-ordination plan is attached to the other documents provided by the project owner to contractors intending to enter into a contract. In particular, it sets out: 1° Administrative information relating to the worksite, and in particular that which completes the prior declaration; 2° General worksite organisation measures decided by the project owner in consultation with the coordinator; 3° Health and safety coordination measures taken by the coordinator and…
Where an inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee has been set up, the general coordination plan sets out the committee’s remit in this area.
The technical files containing the information relating to the search for and identification of asbestos-containing materials provided for in articles R. 1334-22, R. 1334-27 and R. 1334-28 of the Public Health Code are attached to the general coordination plan.
The general co-ordination plan is completed and adapted according to the development of the site and the actual duration to be devoted to the different types of work or work phases. The companies are informed of these changes.
The general co-ordination plan incorporates, in particular, as and when they are drawn up, and by harmonising them, the specific health and safety plans and, where required, the prevention plans provided for by other provisions of the Labour Code.
As soon as the companies have been consulted, the project owner sends the general co-ordination plan, at their request, to the Labour Inspectorate, the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics and the prevention department of the social security organisations.
The general coordination plan kept on site may be consulted by : 1° The members of the social and economic committees called upon to intervene on the site; 2° The works doctor; 3° The members of the inter-company college for safety, health and working conditions; 4° The works inspectorate; 5° The professional prevention body for building and public works; 6° The prevention department of the social security bodies.
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