Article R4534-155 of the French Labour Code
On construction sites other than those mentioned in Article R. 4534-137, a document reminding workers of their obligations under this chapter is given to each worker concerned.
On construction sites other than those mentioned in Article R. 4534-137, a document reminding workers of their obligations under this chapter is given to each worker concerned.
The ministers responsible for labour and agriculture may, by decision taken on the report of the labour inspector and after consulting the Conseil d’orientation des conditions de travail, authorise temporary and limited derogations from certain provisions of this chapter for one or more specific sites and, where applicable, for a specific type of work. They may also authorise by decree, for a specified period, general derogations from certain provisions. Such…
Subject to the adaptations provided for in this section, self-employed workers and employers who work directly on a building or civil engineering site are subject to the provisions of Chapter IV, with the exception of those relating to general hygiene measures, provided for in section 16, and to temporary accommodation for workers, provided for in section 17.
Self-employed workers and employers, when working directly on a building or civil engineering site, are only subject to the provisions of article R. 4534-18 concerning the examination of equipment, machinery, installations or protective devices on sites subject to the obligation to coordinate the safety and health of workers referred to in article L. 4532-2, with the exception of operations undertaken by a private individual for his own personal use as…
For work in the vicinity of electrical lines, pipes and installations, the self-employed worker may follow the procedure laid down in Article R. 4534-117, subject to compliance with the requirements of 2° to 4° of the same Article. He shall follow the procedure laid down in Article R. 4534-128, subject to compliance with the requirements of 2° to 4° of the same Article.
During the work referred to in Article R. 4534-132, self-employed workers and employers, when working directly on a building or civil engineering site, wear appropriate breathing apparatus in good working order.
During work involving the risk of drowning as referred to in Article R. 4534-136, self-employed workers and employers working directly on a building or civil engineering site must wear lifejackets.
When using work equipment and personal protective equipment, self-employed workers and employers working directly on a building or civil engineering site are subject to the following provisions: 1° General rules for the use of work equipment and means of protection set out in articles R. 4321-1 to R. 4321-5 ; 2° Obligation to maintain compliance as set out in article R. 4322-1 ; 3° Rules for installing and using work…
If they meet the qualification and competence criteria defined by articles R. 4323-24 and R. 4323-100, self-employed workers may carry out periodic inspections of work equipment and personal protective equipment themselves. In the situations provided for in articles R. 4722-5 et seq., self-employed workers shall record the results of these checks, together with the name and position of the person who carried them out, in the register provided for in…
When they are exposed or likely to be exposed to hazardous chemical agents other than carcinogens, mutagens or agents toxic to reproduction, self-employed workers and employers who work directly on a building or civil engineering site are subject to the following provisions relating to the risks of exposure to hazardous chemical agent s: 1° Scope an d definitions provided for in articles R. 4412-1 to R. 4412-4; 2° Risk assessment…
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