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Article 723-2 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Where the provisions of article 132-25 of the Penal Code, the sentence enforcement judge shall set the terms and conditions for the execution of the semi-liberty or work release by an order that is not subject to appeal, within a maximum period of four months from the date on which the sentence becomes enforceable and within a period of five working days when the sentencing court has ordered the placement…

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Article 723-3 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Permission to go out authorises a convicted offender to be absent from a prison establishment for a set period of time that counts against the length of the sentence being served. The purpose of this leave is to prepare for the convicted person’s professional or social reintegration, to maintain family ties or to enable them to fulfil an obligation requiring their presence. When a first temporary leave has been granted…

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Article 723-4 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The sentence enforcement judge may make the granting of work release, semi-liberty or permission to go out to the sentenced person subject to compliance with one or more obligations or prohibitions set out in the articles 132-44 and 132-45 of the Penal Code. The convicted person may also benefit from the assistance measures provided for in article 132-46 of the same code.

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Article 723-5 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Without prejudice to the application of Article 434-29 of the Penal Code, in the event of a conviction for a felony or misdemeanour committed intentionally during a temporary absence, the court may decide that the convicted person will lose the benefit of any reductions in sentence previously granted to him or her.

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Article 723-7 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The sentence enforcement judge may provide that the sentence will be served under the regime of home detention under electronic surveillance defined by the Article 132-26 of the Criminal Code either in the event of a sentence of one or more custodial sentences whose total duration does not exceed two years, or where the sentenced person still has to serve one or more custodial sentences whose total duration does not…

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Article 723-7-1 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Where the provisions of Article 132-26 du code pénal, the sentence enforcement judge shall determine the terms and conditions for the implementation of home detention under electronic surveillance by means of a non-appealable order within a maximum period of four months from the date on which the sentence becomes enforceable and within a period of five working days when the sentencing court has ordered the placement or continued detention of…

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Article 723-8 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The enforcement of the measure is monitored by means of a process that remotely detects the presence or absence of the sentenced person in the only place designated by the sentence enforcement judge for each set period. The implementation of this process may result in the person assigned being required to wear a device incorporating a transmitter throughout the period of home detention under electronic surveillance. The process used is…

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Article 723-9 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The person under electronic surveillance is placed under the control of the sentence enforcement judge in whose jurisdiction he or she is assigned. Remote monitoring of home detention under electronic surveillance is carried out by prison administration officials who are authorised, for the performance of this mission, to implement automated processing of nominative data. The implementation of the technical device enabling remote monitoring may be entrusted to a person under…

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Article 723-10 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The sentence enforcement judge may also subject the person placed under electronic monitoring to the measures set out in articles 132-43 to 132-46 of the Penal Code. It may in particular subject the sentenced person to one or more of the supervision measures or obligations mentioned in articles 132-44 and 132-45 of the Penal Code.

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