Article R321-4 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
The seizure of the property by creditors with a right of resale is pursued against the third party purchaser of the property.
The seizure of the property by creditors with a right of resale is pursued against the third party purchaser of the property.
The pursuing creditor shall serve a summons to pay on the principal debtor. The document shall state that the summons to pay valid as a seizure provided for in the following paragraph shall be issued to the third party purchaser. The summons to pay valid as a seizure is served at the request of the pursuing creditor on the third party purchaser. It includes the information listed in article R….
The summons to pay is published in the property register within two months of being served.
Publication formalities are governed by decree no. 55-22 of 4 January 1955 reforming land registration and decree no. 55-1350 of 14 October 1955 implementing this decree. When the execution of the publication formality has been delayed due to a rejection notified by the land registry service, the two-month period provided for in article R. 321-6 is increased by the number of days elapsed between the filing of the order with…
If the publication of several orders for seizure of the same property is required simultaneously, only the order which mentions the enforcement title bearing the earliest date shall be published. Where the titles bear the same date, only the oldest summons is published; if the summonses are of the same date, only the one with the highest principal claim is published.
If a summons to pay has already been published, there is no need to publish a new summons for the same property. However, if the new summons presented to the Land Registry includes more property than the previous summons, it must be published for the property not included in the previous summons. The new pursuing creditor is required to report the published summons to the previous creditor, who will pursue…
In the cases provided for in article R. 321-8 and in the first paragraph of article R. 321-9, the land registry mentions the deed or deeds that have not been published alongside the copy of the previous summons published in the order in which they were presented, with the surname, first name and domicile of the new debtor or debtors or, in the case of a legal entity, its name…
Where proceedings are joined, the proceedings are continued by the creditor whose summons was published first. If the summonses were published on the same day, the proceedings are continued by the creditor whose summons is the earliest in date and, if the summonses are dated the same day, by the creditor whose principal claim is the highest.
The enforcement judge shall grant the debtor’s request that the effects of the seizure be provisionally confined to one or more of his immovable properties where he establishes that the value of these properties is sufficient to pay off the pursuing creditor and the registered creditors. The judgment indicates the properties on which proceedings are temporarily suspended. After the final sale, the creditor may resume proceedings on the property thus…
The unavailability of the property, the seizure of its fruits and the restriction on the debtor’s rights of enjoyment and administration run with regard to the debtor from the date of service of the summons to pay in the form of a seizure. These effects apply to third parties from the date of publication of the summons. Where an agreement has been entered into prior to publication of the summons…
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