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Article 778 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

When, in the course of any proceedings, the public prosecutor or investigating judge finds that an individual has been convicted under a false identity or has usurped a civil status, the necessary rectifications are immediately made ex officio at the behest of the public prosecutor before the proceedings are closed. The rectification is requested by petition to the president of the court or tribunal that handed down the decision. If…

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Article 779 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the measures necessary for the implementation of articles 768 to 778, and in particular the conditions under which bulletins no. 1, 2 and 3 of the criminal record must be requested, drawn up and issued. This Regulation also determines the conditions under which the information recorded by the automated national criminal record may be used for the enforcement of criminal sentences. This…

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Article 781 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Any person who, by assuming a false name or capacity, has had an extract from the criminal record of a third party issued to them is punishable by a fine of €7,500. Any person who has provided imaginary identity information that has caused or could have caused erroneous entries to be made in the criminal record shall be liable to the same penalties. The same penalties shall apply to anyone…

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Article 783 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The pardon is either acquired ipso jure under the conditions provided for by Articles 133-13 et seq of the Criminal Code, or granted by the Investigating Chamber under the conditions provided for in this Title. In all cases, it produces the effects provided for in Article 133-16 of the Criminal Code. However, when the pardon is granted by the investigating chamber, the second paragraph of the same article 133-16 is…

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Article 785 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

A pardon may only be applied for in court, during the convicted person’s lifetime, by the latter or, if he or she is banned, by his or her legal representative; in the event of death and if the legal conditions are met, the application may be followed by his or her spouse or by his or her ascendants or descendants and even made by them, but only within a period…

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Article 786 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

An application for rehabilitation may only be made after a period of five years for those sentenced to a criminal penalty, three years for those sentenced to a correctional penalty and one year for those sentenced to a contraventional penalty. This period runs, for those sentenced to a fine, from the day on which the sentence became irrevocable and, for those sentenced to a custodial penalty, from the day of…

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Article 787 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The convicts who are in a state of legal recidivism, those who, after having obtained the rehabilitation, incurred a new sentence, those who, condemned contradictorily or by contumacy to a criminal sentence, prescribed against the execution of the sentence, are admitted to ask for their rehabilitation only after a period of ten years elapsed since their release or since the prescription. However, repeat offenders who have not served any criminal…

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Article 788 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The convicted person must, except in the case of prescription, justify payment of the fine and damages or the remission made to him. Failing this justification, he must establish that he has undergone the time of judicial constraint determined by law or that the Treasury has waived this means of enforcement. If he is convicted of fraudulent bankruptcy, he must prove payment of the bankruptcy liabilities in capital, interest and…

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Article 789 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

If since the offence the convicted person has rendered eminent services to the country, the application for rehabilitation is not subject to any condition of time or completion of sentence. In this case, the court may grant rehabilitation even if the fine and damages have not been paid.

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