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Article R221-21 of the French Sports Code

A “pôle Espoirs” is any structure or group of structures linked to each other, in particular by agreement, which mainly takes in athletes registered on the list of “Espoirs” athletes provided for in article R. 221-11 and enables them to benefit from the training and preparation provided for in 1° to 3° of article R. 221-20. Espoir centres” may only take in athletes who are at least twelve years old…

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Article R221-22 of the French Sports Code

Validation is granted by order of the Minister for Sport. It is valid for a period of four years from the 1st July immediately following the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games and, for disciplines on the programme of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, from the 1st January immediately following these Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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Article D221-27 of the French Sports Code

The content of the sports and citizenship training provided for in article L. 221-11 covers : -the values of the Republic the values of the Republic; -the values of Olympism -ethics in sport -the legal and economic framework applicable to athletes. This training is implemented in accordance with the procedures specified in the federal performance plans. The sports federations ensure that the content of this training is accessible and adapted…

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Article R222-1 of the French Sports Code

Each of the delegated federations concerned by the application of this chapter, the list of which is determined by order of the Minister for Sport, shall set up a sports agents’ commission and appoint a sports agents’ representative. The chairman and members of the sports agents’ committee, as well as the sports agents’ representative, are appointed by the relevant governing body. The latter also appoints a deputy for each of…

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Article R222-2 of the French Sports Code

In addition to the Chairman, the Sports Agents’ Committee comprises : 1° A qualified person chosen for his legal expertise; 2° A qualified person chosen for his/her expertise in the discipline concerned; 3° Where applicable, a representative of the professional league set up by the federation in accordance with the provisions of article L. 132-1; 4° A representative of the sports associations, sports societies and organisers of sporting events in…

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Article R222-3 of the French Sports Code

When sitting in disciplinary matters, the Sports Agents’ Commission is composed solely of its Chairman and the members mentioned in 1° to 3° of article R. 222-2. The member mentioned under 5° of article R. 222-2 does not sit when the committee is deciding on the exercise of the activity of sports agent by a national of a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on…

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Article R222-4 of the French Sports Code

The Sports Agents’ Committee meets when convened by its Chairman or at the request of at least three of its members. It may only validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present. In disciplinary matters, the Sports Agents’ Committee may only validly deliberate if at least three of its members are present. Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a…

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Article R222-5 of the French Sports Code

The sports agent delegate, the national technical director attached to the federation, or his representative, and a representative of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee take part in the work of the sports agent commission in an advisory capacity. However, these persons do not attend meetings when the commission is sitting as a jury for the examination of the sports agent’s licence or in disciplinary matters. The committee may…

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