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Article R232-57 of the French Sports Code

Approved sports federations and competition or event organisers are required to organise training for the anti-doping delegates mentioned in article L. 232-14 and the escorts provided for in article R. 232-56. The list of persons thus trained is sent each year to the French Anti-Doping Agency. The French Anti-Doping Agency and the organisations mentioned in the first paragraph of II of article L. 232-5 also organise the training of the…

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Article R232-58 of the French Sports Code

The person being tested must be present during all testing operations. The person in charge of the test immediately draws up a report of the conditions under which he/she carried out the sampling and screening operations. Any observations that the person in charge of the test or the athlete tested wishes to make on the conditions under which the test was conducted are recorded in the report. The tested athlete…

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Article R232-59 of the French Sports Code

When an athlete designated to be tested fails to comply with all or part of the procedures described in article R. 232-49, including by refusing to complete the test report, the person in charge of testing shall mention all of these circumstances in the report. He may obtain written testimony from persons who witnessed the events and attach their statements to the report.

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Article R232-60 of the French Sports Code

The anti-doping delegate is required, at the request of the person in charge of the test, to participate in the selection of the athletes to be tested and to assist the latter in the test operations. He may not be present during the operations provided for in 1° to 3° of article R. 232-49.

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Article R232-61 of the French Sports Code

If an anti-doping delegate has not been appointed or if the obligation mentioned in article R. 232-60 to provide assistance has not been fulfilled, the person in charge of the test shall make a note of this in the test report. He may request the assistance of a person mentioned in article R. 232-52. Under no circumstances may the absence or refusal of assistance from an anti-doping delegate prevent the…

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Article R232-62 of the French Sports Code

The person responsible for the test shall send a copy of the test report to the person concerned, where applicable, to the persons with parental authority or to the legal representatives and to the French Anti-Doping Agency. It shall forward the samples collected, together with a copy of the test report, to the laboratory called upon in application of article L. 232-18, in a form that respects anonymity.

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Article R232-63 of the French Sports Code

Samples are transported to and stored by the laboratory used in application of Article L. 232-18 under appropriate temperature conditions specified by the Agency. They must ensure the integrity of the samples, the safety of personnel and the confidentiality of procedures.

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Article R232-64 of the French Sports Code

The laboratory called upon in application of article L. 232-18 analyses the A sample sent in application of article R. 232-62. Unless otherwise requested by the Agency, it retains the B sample with a view to a possible control analysis. This is carried out automatically at the request of the person concerned. It is carried out at the athlete’s expense and under the conditions provided for by international standards. If…

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Article R232-65 of the French Sports Code

The laboratory called upon in application of article L. 232-18 shall draw up an analysis report setting out the results of the analyses and the types of methods used. The laboratory shall send the analysis report to the Secretary General of the Agency by any means. In accordance with international standards, the laboratory shall communicate, by any means, atypical or abnormal test results to the Testing Authority, if other than…

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Article R232-66 of the French Sports Code

The storage of samples after their analysis by the laboratory called in by the French Anti-Doping Agency in application of article L. 232-18 is carried out under the technical conditions provided for by international standards. The storage period is ten years from the date of the first analysis when the sample was taken : 1° At an international sporting event, within the meaning of Article L. 230-2 ; 2° During…

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