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Article R232-94 of the French Sports Code

The chairman of the panel appoints a rapporteur from among its members. The rapporteur draws up a report setting out the facts and the conditions under which the proceedings were conducted. The rapporteur may carry out any useful investigations, without being able to impose any coercive measures, the results of which are added to the file and communicated to the person concerned and to the Board before the meeting. When…

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Article R232-95 of the French Sports Code

The rapporteur presents his report orally at the hearing. The member of the Board or the agent of the Agency appointed pursuant to the last paragraph of Article R. 232-11 may attend the hearing and present observations. Where appropriate, the member of the Board may be assisted by an agent of the Agency. The person concerned, his counsel and, where applicable, the person(s) exercising parental authority or the legal representative…

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Article R232-95-1 of the French Sports Code

To take account of geographical distance or professional or medical constraints, the chairman of the panel called upon to reach a decision may decide, with the agreement of the person subject to the disciplinary procedure, that the deliberations will be organised by means of an audiovisual conference. The rules of procedure of the Sanction Committee shall determine the procedures for identifying the parties, hearing third parties and ensuring the confidentiality…

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Article R232-96 of the French Sports Code

The panel deliberates in camera, without the presence of the person concerned, his or her counsel, where applicable the person(s) exercising parental authority or the legal representative, the College representative or the Agency employee responsible for representing or assisting the College representative, and the persons heard at the hearing. The agency staff members who provide secretarial services for the Enforcement Committee assist the panel in organising the hearing and during…

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Article R232-97 of the French Sports Code

The Sanction Committee shall issue a reasoned decision. The decision is signed by the chairman of the panel. It is notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by letter delivered against receipt, to the person concerned, to the sports federation and professional league concerned, to the President of the Agency and to the Minister for Sport. Where applicable, the person(s) with parental authority or the person’s legal representative…

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Article R232-98 of the French Sports Code

I.-The full jurisdiction appeals provided for in article L. 232-24 are submitted to the Conseil d’Etat in accordance with the procedures set out in the Code of Administrative Justice. II-The time limit for appealing against a decision mentioned in article L. 232-24 is one month from the date of notification. This period is increased by one month for persons residing in Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Reunion Island, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Mayotte,…

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Article R232-98-1 of the French Sports Code

If the College of the French Anti-Doping Agency considers, on the basis of the information brought to its attention, that a person who has been the subject of a suspended sanction ceases to cooperate and to transmit the information he has undertaken to provide, the Secretary General of the Agency shall inform that person that this is grounds for revocation of the suspension. He refers the case to the Enforcement…

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Article R232-98-2 of the French Sports Code

Sports federations and professional leagues shall be bound by confidentiality and may not disclose to any person the content of documents sent to them pursuant to this section before the publication provided for in article L. 232-23-6. When they have been informed of a provisional suspension measure requested or imposed in accordance with article L. 232-23-4 or of a suspension measure requested or imposed in accordance with articles L. 232-21…

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Article R232-98-3 of the French Sports Code

When the relevant Federation or the organiser responsible for an Event imposes a suspension on a Team, under the conditions set out in IV of article L. 232-23-5, the period of suspension shall begin on the date of the decision imposing the suspension or, if the hearing is waived, on the date the suspension is accepted or otherwise imposed. However, if fairness requires, the federation or organiser may fix the…

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Article D232-99 of the French Sports Code

In each region and in Corsica, a regional commission to combat trafficking in doping substances or methods is set up. Its purpose is to lead and coordinate the work of the decentralised government departments and the French Anti-Doping Agency in the fight against trafficking in doping substances or methods. Within this framework, it may propose training topics for those involved in the fight against trafficking. The committee is co-chaired by…

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