Article R2213-4 of the French Public Health Code
The woman concerned or the couple shall be heard, at her request, by all or some of the members of the multidisciplinary team prior to the consultation mentioned in article R. 2213-5.
The woman concerned or the couple shall be heard, at her request, by all or some of the members of the multidisciplinary team prior to the consultation mentioned in article R. 2213-5.
If, at the end of the consultation carried out by the multidisciplinary team, it appears to two doctors that the continuation of the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the woman’s health, they shall draw up the certificates provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 2213-1.
For each request for an opinion, the health care institution referred to in article R. 2213-1 keeps the medical records sent by the attending doctor, the certificates referred to in article R. 2213-5, the minutes of the multidisciplinary team meeting and, where applicable, the results of the medical examinations carried out. The documents mentioned in this article are kept in conditions that guarantee their confidentiality.
The director of a health establishment to which a woman is admitted with a view to a voluntary interruption of pregnancy failing to provide or keep for one year the certificates proving that the woman concerned has undergone the consultations prescribed in articles L. 2212-3 to L. 2212-5 is liable to the fine provided for fifth class offences. The same penalty shall apply if the director of a health establishment…
Repeated offences under articles R. 2222-1 and R. 2222-2 are punishable in accordance with article 132-11 of the French Penal Code.
I.-Family information, consultation or counselling establishments carry out the following tasks: 1° To provide information about rights relating to emotional, relational and sexual life and to educate people about these rights, as well as to help build self-esteem and respect for others in their emotional, relational and sexual life. This mission includes in particular a) Providing information and helping people to understand their rights in terms of sexual health and…
I.-Persons setting up or managing an establishment as referred to in article R. 2311-1 shall submit an application for approval by any means that confers a date certain to the State representative in the département where the establishment is located. This application for authorisation must be sent to the aforementioned State representative at least two months before the establishment opens, or, where the application is for a renewal of authorisation,…
I.-Persons who set up or manage an approved establishment in accordance with the procedure set out in article R. 2311-2 may receive financial assistance from the State. This assistance is paid under conditions defined by an agreement between the representative of the State in the département and each person managing the establishment. II.- This agreement specifies: 1° The duration for which it has been concluded, which may not be less…
At least once a year, the Minister responsible for the family convenes a meeting of the representatives of the natural or legal persons who manage the establishments mentioned in article R. 2311-1 with a view, in particular, to drawing up a national summary of their activities.
Family planning or education centres carry out the following activities: 1° Medical consultations relating to fertility control ; 2° Dissemination of information and individual and group prevention activities relating to sexuality and family education, organised in and outside the centres in conjunction with the other bodies and organisations concerned; 3° Preparation for married life and parenthood, marital and family counselling; 4° Interviews prior to voluntary interruption of pregnancy as provided…
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