Article R1242-13 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of articles R. 1242-6 and R. 1242-7 are applicable to cell harvesting activities authorised under this section.
The provisions of articles R. 1242-6 and R. 1242-7 are applicable to cell harvesting activities authorised under this section.
For the application of the provisions of this chapter, army hospitals and the army blood transfusion centre shall be regarded as public health establishments and a blood transfusion establishment respectively. For these hospitals and for this centre, the Minister for Defence exercises the powers of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.
I.-The provisions of this section apply to the activities mentioned in Article L. 1243-2 relating to the preparation, preservation, distribution or transfer of tissues, their derivatives, cells or cell therapy preparations, whatever their level of processing, used for therapeutic purposes in humans. II – Use for therapeutic purposes includes in particular the research mentioned in article L. 1121-1. In application of article L. 1245-4, the provisions of sub-sections 3 and…
The authorisation provided for in article L. 1243-2 may cover one or more of the activities mentioned in that article.
Establishments or organisations which store and distribute tissues or their derivatives or cell therapy preparations which have been transferred to them by an establishment or organisation authorised to prepare, store, distribute or transfer these products must be authorised, pursuant to Article L. 1243-2, to carry out these storage and distribution activities under the conditions provided for in this section, with the exception of Articles R. 1243-19 and R. 1243-24 which…
I.-Establishments or organisations which apply for or are authorised to carry out activities involving the preservation and distribution of tissues and their derivatives in accordance with Article L. 1243-2 may also apply for authorisation to enter into agreements with the health establishments mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 1243-6, enabling the latter to ensure, on their premises, the storage and distribution of tissues or their derivatives intended for…
I.-The application for authorisation provided for in Article L. 1243-2 shall be sent to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé by the legal entity requesting the authorisation, by any means that provides a date certain of receipt. This application specifies, for each establishment or organisation and, where applicable, for each of the sites of this establishment, the activities for which…
A copy of the complete dossier is sent by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé to the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine. The Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine sends his opinion to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, within two months of the date…
The Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé will notify the applicant of his decision within four months of the date on which the application is deemed to be complete. If the Director General considers that additional information is required to enable him to reach a decision on the application, he may suspend consideration of the application until the missing information has…
I. – Substantial changes to the authorisation referred to in Article R. 1243-6 are subject to prior written authorisation by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, after obtaining the opinion of the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine. Substantial changes are considered to be those relating to : 1° The types of activities and categories of tissues, derivatives,…
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