Article D4632-7 of the French Labour Code
Labour advisors must hold a special diploma issued by the Minister for Labour.
Labour advisors must hold a special diploma issued by the Minister for Labour.
The employment adviser acts in the workplace in order to: 1° Ensure the well-being of workers in the company and facilitate their adaptation to work; 2° Study, in particular, the problems raised by the employment of women, young people and disabled workers; 3° Coordinate and promote the social initiatives decided by the employer and by the social and economic committee and act as a technical adviser to the latter on…
The employment consultant works in conjunction with the company’s occupational health department. In agreement with the employer and the social and economic committee or the inter-company committee, he or she looks for improvements that can be made to working conditions, the well-being of workers and the operation of social works in the company or inter-company.
The employment adviser is in constant contact with the welfare, assistance and placement bodies, the various social institutions and the social security and public health services, with a view to facilitating workers’ exercise of the rights conferred by social legislation and directing them, where necessary, to the competent bodies.
The Labour Advisor responsible, in companies or inter-company services, for initiating, studying and implementing social achievements decided by the Social and Economic Committee and the employer performs the duties of Chief Labour Advisor.
The Conseil d’Orientation des Conditions de Travail (Working Conditions Advisory Council) reports to the Minister for Labour. I.-It participates in the development of public policy guidelines in the fields of health and safety at work and the improvement of working conditions, in particular national action strategies and draft international strategies and instruments. This participation may take the form of submitting opinions and proposals in the areas for which it is…
The Conseil d’orientation des conditions de travail is made up of the following bodies: 1° The Conseil national d’orientation des conditions de travail, chaired by the Minister for Labour, and the Comité national de prévention et de santé au travail, which exercise the guidance functions of the Conseil d’orientation des conditions de travail ; 2° The general commission, chaired by the president of the social section of the Conseil d’Etat,…
I.-Each of the Council’s configurations, with the exception of the National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work, comprises: 1° The college of ministerial departments; 2° The college of social partners, comprising an equal number of employee and employer representatives; 3° The college of national social security, expertise and prevention bodies; 4° The college of qualified personalities. II -The National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work comprises: 1° The…
The Vice-Chairman of the Conseil national d’orientation des conditions de travail is appointed by order of the Minister for Labour under the conditions set out in III of Article R. 4641-3. The Secretary General, who assists the Vice-Chairman in his duties, is appointed by order of the Minister for Labour. Under the authority of the Vice-Chairman, he is responsible for organising and leading the work of the Conseil national d’orientation…
The Conseil national d’orientation des conditions de travail : 1° Participates in the preparation of national and international strategic guidelines relating to health and safety at work, the improvement of working conditions and the prevention of occupational risks, and in particular the occupational health plan, where appropriate on the basis of proposals from the national committee for prevention and health at work, and monitors their implementation; 2° Examines the annual…
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