Article R4643-4 of the French Labour Code
Companies covered by the paid leave funds for the building and public works professions are members of the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics.
Companies covered by the paid leave funds for the building and public works professions are members of the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics.
The Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics comprises a national committee which, through its deliberations, regulates the affairs of the body. To this end, the council of the national committee: 1° Determines the body’s guidelines, sets the annual programme and adopts the activity report, in accordance with the general policy for prevention and improvement of working conditions defined by the minister responsible for work and in…
The Council of the National Committee comprises ten members, five of whom are appointed by the nationally representative employers’ organisations and five by the nationally representative employees’ organisations. The Minister responsible for labour allocates the seats between the organisations. Ten alternates are appointed under the same conditions. Appointments are subject to approval by the Minister of Labour. A representative’s term of office may end at the request of the organisation…
Each year, the Council of the National Committee elects from among its members a bureau consisting of a chairman and a vice-chairman, who replaces the chairman if he is absent or unable to attend. Where the chairman is a member representing the employers, the vice-chairman shall be chosen from among the members representing the employees, and vice versa.
The National Committee Council meets when convened by its Chairman and on the agenda set by him. It may also be convened at the request of a majority of its members or of the Minister for Labour. It may only deliberate if at least three members from each category are present. Failing this, it is reconvened within fifteen days and deliberates on the same agenda, regardless of the number of…
Unless convened by the National Committee Council in a case of justified urgency, files relating to the agenda shall be sent to members and to representatives in an advisory capacity at least fifteen days before the date set in the notice of meeting.
The General Secretary prepares and implements the deliberations of the National Committee Board. He is the head of the organisation’s departments and recruits and manages its staff. He defines the operational organisation of the organisation and submits it to the National Committee Board for approval.
The General Secretary, a representative of the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie and the representative of the Minister for Employment attend meetings of the National Committee in an advisory capacity. The latter may act as arbitrator if necessary. The National Committee may call upon any qualified person.
The deliberations of the National Committee, listed in article R. 4643-5, are automatically enforceable, with the exception of those concerning the vote on the budget. The latter are adopted and made enforceable under the following conditions: 1° The initial budget, itemised in accordance with the chart of accounts applicable to establishments governed by private law, is adopted by the Council of the National Committee no later than twenty-one days before…
The board of the national committee is assisted in monitoring financial matters by a financial committee. The financial committee comprises the chairman and vice-chairman of the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics, a representative appointed by each of the two colleges sitting on the national committee, the general secretary of the body and the representative appointed by the minister responsible for labour. The chairman of the…
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