Article D4622-47 of the French Labour Code
The multi-year contract is concluded for a maximum of five years. It may be revised by means of amendments.
The multi-year contract is concluded for a maximum of five years. It may be revised by means of amendments.
The assessment of the elements provided for in 1° to 5° of article L. 4622-9-3, carried out by the certification procedure for inter-company occupational health and prevention services provided for in the same article, guarantees the consistency, effectiveness and quality of the services provided by these entities as well as that of the processes which relate to or contribute to them. It also guarantees that, in carrying out their activities,…
The certification of inter-company occupational health and prevention services provided for in Article L. 4622-9-3 is issued by a certifying body accredited by the French Accreditation Committee or by another accreditation body covered by Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 laying down the requirements for accreditation and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 339/93, which is a signatory to a multilateral…
The period for which certification is awarded to the inter-company occupational health and safety service depends on the levels of certification corresponding respectively to a list of factual, non-discriminatory, explicit and reproducible criteria, defined in the specifications referred to in Article D. 4622-47-4. Services applying for certification are subject to on-site audits under conditions defined in these specifications. The certifier body which refuses certification must give the reasons for its…
The principles and reference systems mentioned in the last paragraph of Article L. 4622-9-3 are set out and implemented, in application of the provisions of this sub-section, in specifications laid down by an order of the Minister responsible for labour. This order specifies in particular: 1° The procedures for accreditation of the certification bodies mentioned in article D. 4622-47-2 ; 2° The procedures, method and conditions for issuing certification for…
The Director General for Labour and the competent Regional Director for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity may at any time, on their own initiative or at the request of the members of the National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work or the Regional Committee for Prevention and Health at Work: 1° Request an activity report or any additional document or information relating to certification from the certifier body;…
The Directorate General for Labour informs the National Committee for Prevention and Health at Work of work relating to the development and implementation of certification, which may, where appropriate, as part of its duties under 2°, 3° and 4° of Article L. 4641-2-1, make proposals for changes to the principles or procedures for certification.
Each prevention and occupational health service is approved by the Regional Director for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity, after consulting the occupational health inspector. The Regional Director may authorise an establishment or company located within the jurisdiction of another region to be attached to the occupational health and prevention service which he has approved, subject to the agreement of the Regional Director with geographical jurisdiction.
Approval may only be refused on the grounds of non-compliance with the requirements of this Title, in particular those of the national approval specifications defined in Article D. 4622-49-1. Reasons shall be given for any refusal of approval.
I.-For inter-company occupational health and prevention services, the national specifications for approval include the following criteria: 1° With regard to the governance and management of occupational health and prevention services: a) The service is managed on a parity basis by a board of directors made up of employer and employee representatives under the conditions set out in article L. 4622-11 ; b) The service complies with the maximum term of…
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