Article L2323-1 of the French Public procurement code
The provisions of article L. 2123-1 apply.
The provisions of article L. 2123-1 apply.
When the estimated value of the requirement, excluding tax, is equal to or greater than the European thresholds mentioned in a notice annexed to this code, the purchaser shall award the defence or security contract in accordance with one of the formalised procedures defined by this chapter, under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
Where the purchaser chooses to use the invitation to tender defined in article L. 2124-2, this invitation to tender shall be restricted.
The provisions of article L. 2124-3 apply.
The provisions of article L. 2124-4 apply.
In order to award a defence or security contract, the purchaser may, in compliance with the rules applicable to the procedures defined in this Title, use purchasing techniques to pre-select economic operators capable of satisfying its needs or to enable tenders to be submitted or selected in accordance with specific procedures.The purchasing techniques are as follows:1° Framework agreements, which enable one or more economic operators to be pre-selected with a…
The provisions of article L. 2131-1 apply.
The purchaser may not communicate, subject to rights acquired by contract, confidential information of which he has become aware during the award procedure, such as information the disclosure of which would infringe business secrecy or information the disclosure of which could harm fair competition between economic operators, in particular the total amount or detailed price of tenders during the consultation.However, the purchaser may ask economic operators to consent to the…
Communications and exchanges of information may be carried out electronically.
Persons who have been the subject of a final conviction for one of the offences referred to in articles 222-34 to 222-40,313-1,313-3,314-1,324-1,324-5,324-6,421-1 to 421-2-4,421-5,432-10,432-11,432-12 to 432-16,433-1,433-2,434-9,434-9-1, 435-3, 435-4, 435-9, 435-10, 441-1 to 441-7, 441-9, 445-1 to 445-2-1 or 450-1 of the French Criminal Code, articles 1741 to 1743, 1746 or 1747 of the French General Tax Code, or for concealing such offences, as well as for equivalent offences under the…
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