Article L2394-2 of the French Public procurement code
The provisions of articles L. 2194-2 and L. 2194-3 apply.
The provisions of articles L. 2194-2 and L. 2194-3 apply.
The purchaser may terminate the defence or security contract in the cases provided for in articles L. 2195-2, L. 2195-3 and L. 2195-5. It may also terminate the contract if performance of the contract cannot be continued without a modification contrary to the provisions of Chapter IV.
If, during the performance of the contract, the contractor is placed in one of the cases of exclusion mentioned in articles L. 2341-1 to L. 2341-3 and L. 2341-5, he shall inform the purchaser of this change in situation without delay. The purchaser may then terminate the contract. However, the purchaser may not terminate the contract solely on the grounds that the economic operator is the subject of receivership proceedings…
The provisions of article L. 2196-1 apply.
The provisions of article L. 2196-3 apply.
The provisions of articles L. 2196-4, L. 2196-5 and L. 2196-7 apply.
Holders and, under conditions set by regulation, companies related to them and their sub-contractors, are obliged to allow and facilitate any documentary or on-site verification of the accuracy of the information mentioned in article L. 2196-5 by government officials. They may be required to submit their balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, cost accounting and any other documents required to establish their costs.
The provisions of articles L. 2197-1, L. 2197-3 and L. 2197-4 apply.
The provisions of article L. 2197-5 apply.
The State may have recourse to arbitration under the conditions set out in Article L. 2197-6.
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