Article R5123-34 of the French Labour Code
The State reimburses the company by paying the managing body designated by the professional agreement the financial contribution it is responsible for. This reimbursement is made quarterly in arrears.
The State reimburses the company by paying the managing body designated by the professional agreement the financial contribution it is responsible for. This reimbursement is made quarterly in arrears.
The cessation of activity agreement may be wholly or partially suspended in the event of non-compliance by the company with the provisions of the professional or company agreements or the provisions of the agreement.
The agreement may be terminated in the event of the termination of professional or company agreements.
Suspension of the agreement entails suspension of payment of the State’s financial contribution from the first day of the month following the month in which the breach was detected. Suspension does not extend the term of the agreement. However, the authority signing the agreement may, after assessing the seriousness of the company’s breaches, its situation and the new commitments made by the employer, conclude an amendment to the agreement providing…
Termination of the agreement will result in the definitive cessation of payment of the State’s financial contribution, with effect from the first day of the month following that in which the agreement ceases to have effect.
The national professional agreement and the company agreement cannot release the company from its commitments to the employees and in particular from the payment of the allowance when the financial participation of the State is suspended or interrupted in application of the provisions of this sub-section.
The supplementary allowance referred to in 4° of article L. 5123-2 is granted to employees who accept the transformation of their full-time job into a job where the working time is at least one fifth less than the legal working time in order to avoid redundancies for economic reasons.
This degressive allowance is paid for a maximum of two years. Its amount, duration and the rules for determining the respective contributions of the State and the employer to its financing, as well as the conditions of membership and the additional guarantees from which the employees concerned benefit, particularly in the event of redundancy, during the period of payment or at its end, are set by joint order of the…
The people referred to in article L. 5131-1 are, in particular: 1° Young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five who are experiencing particular difficulties in accessing employment; 2° The long-term unemployed; 3° Unemployed people over the age of fifty; 4° People receiving the minimum integration income; 5° Disabled people.
The agreements mentioned in the second paragraph of Article L. 5131-1 may provide for State aid. The terms and conditions of these agreements and, in particular, the amount of aid are set by decree.
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