Article R5132-19 of the French Labour Code
The intermediary association may not make its employees available to employers for activities outside the territory defined in the agreement it has signed with the State.
The intermediary association may not make its employees available to employers for activities outside the territory defined in the agreement it has signed with the State.
A contract is drawn up in writing between the intermediary association and the person, known as the user, to whom it makes one or more employees available. The contract shall include in particular : 1° The names of the employees made available; 2° The tasks to be performed; 3° The place where they are to be carried out; 4° The term of the assignment; 5° Where the user is a…
The particularly dangerous jobs on the list provided for in Article L. 5132-10 are those mentioned in Article D. 4154-1.
The agreement entered into with the State may be terminated by the Prefect if the intermediary association makes itself available to carry out particularly dangerous work for which it is not possible to use employees under fixed-term employment contracts, in application of article L. 1242-6, or does not comply with the conditions of availability mentioned in article L. 5132-9.
The recruitment of the people mentioned in article L. 5132-1 on fixed-term contracts by intermediary associations entitles them to financial assistance, up to the number of integration posts set by the agreement. This aid comprises a base amount and a modulated amount. The adjusted amount is determined each year by the Prefect, under the conditions set out in article R. 5132-24, taking into account: -the characteristics of the people hired…
The financial aid is paid to the intermediary association for each full-time position occupied. Where appropriate, the amount of aid is reduced in proportion to the number of jobs filled. Its base amount, the maximum amount of the modulated part within the limit of a percentage of the base amount and its payment conditions are set by joint order of the ministers responsible for employment and the budget. A joint…
Intermediary associations are entitled to financial assistance if they recruit the people referred to in article L. 5132-14-1 on open-ended contracts, up to the number of integration posts set by the agreement.
The financial aid referred to in Article R. 5132-24-1 is paid to the intermediary association for each full-time position occupied. Where applicable, the amount of aid is reduced in proportion to the number of jobs filled. The amount is equal to : 1° 100% of the basic amount of aid mentioned in article R. 5132-24 for the first year of performance of the open-ended employment contract; 2° 70% from the…
The financial aid mentioned in articles R. 5132-23 and R. 5132-24-1 is paid, on behalf of the State, by the Agence de services et de paiement. This aid cannot be combined with any other State-funded employment aid for the same position. In the event of a change in the legal status of the employer within the meaning of Article L. 1224-1, the new employer is substituted for the rights and…
If the financial aid is obtained as a result of false declarations or if the agreement is misused, the Prefect will terminate the agreement after observing the procedure set out in article R. 5132-16. Any sums unduly received will then be repaid.
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