Article D5132-43-4 of the French Labour Code
The organisation approved as an integration workshop and site sends the Agence de services et de paiement a copy of the agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2.
The organisation approved as an integration workshop and site sends the Agence de services et de paiement a copy of the agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2.
Derogation from the weekly working time for the holder of a fixed-term contract concluded in application of article L. 1242-3 in the integration workshops and sites may be granted by the Prefect after examining the situation of the person concerned. The period during which the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours may be waived may not exceed twelve months. This period may be extended following an assessment by the…
Where an employer intends to enter into an employment contract derogating from the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours, he must provide the Prefect with the following information prior to recruitment: 1° Any document intended to establish that the situation of the person recruited presents the characteristics mentioned in article R. 5132-43-7 and justifies recourse to this derogation ; 2° A document listing the support and training measures that…
In application of the provisions of article L. 5132-15-1, the diagnosis of the situation of persons likely to benefit from working less than twenty hours must make it possible to establish that their particularly serious difficulties characterise a risk of severe exclusion, the absence of which would prevent their professional integration. This assessment is carried out by the Prefect, where appropriate in collaboration with the organisations responsible for the social…
The Prefect may grant a derogation from the weekly working hours of the holder of a fixed-term contract concluded in application of article L. 1242-3 for all employees of an integration workshop or site presenting particularly serious common difficulties. The request for exemption is made at the initiative of the employer. The period during which the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours may be waived may not exceed twelve…
When an employer plans to conclude employment contracts that derogate, for all of its eligible employees, from the minimum weekly working time of twenty hours, it must provide the Prefect with: 1° A document designed to establish that the integration workshop or site has a project for enhanced support for employees with particularly serious common difficulties that justifies recourse to this derogation; 2° Any document intended to establish the criteria…
In application of the provisions of article L. 5132-15-1, the diagnosis of the situation of persons likely to benefit from working less than twenty hours establishes that their particularly serious difficulties characterise a risk of severe exclusion, the absence of which would prevent their professional integration. This assessment is carried out by the employers of the people concerned. Compliance with the criteria set out in article D. 5132-43-9 is assessed…
People aged at least fifty-seven who are experiencing social and professional difficulties may enter into an open-ended contract with an integration workshop or site, as provided for in article L. 5132-15-1-1 , at the end of a minimum period of twelve months following the start of their pathway to integration through economic activity. This contract is concluded after an examination by the workshop and integration site of the person’s situation…
The recruitment on an open-ended contract of a person mentioned in article L. 5132-15-1-1 is declared by electronic means, using the teleservice mentioned in article R. 5132-1-19. Where applicable, the termination of the employment contract is declared in the same way.
An integration workshop or site may enter into open-ended contracts as referred to in article D. 5132-43-5, up to a limit of 20% of the number of full-time integration workstations set out in the agreement. By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, the integration workshop or site may conclude open-ended contracts in excess of the threshold set out in the same paragraph, by decision of the Prefect of the…
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