Article R5133-5 of the French Labour Code
The back-to-work allowance may not be granted more than once within an eighteen-month period, starting from the first of the four months of activity mentioned in article R. 5133-1.
The back-to-work allowance may not be granted more than once within an eighteen-month period, starting from the first of the four months of activity mentioned in article R. 5133-1.
When a person simultaneously receives the specific solidarity allowance and the minimum integration income or the lone parent allowance, the premium is paid to them in their capacity as a beneficiary of the specific solidarity allowance. When a person simultaneously receives the minimum integration income and the lone parent allowance, the premium is paid to them in their capacity as a beneficiary of the lone parent allowance.
Any undue payment of the premium is recovered by repayment in one or more instalments. The debt may be reduced or waived if the debtor’s situation is precarious, except in the case of fraud or misrepresentation.
Recovery of the undue amount of the back-to-work bonus is made after the person concerned has been informed in writing of the source of the error and the time limit for appeal has expired.
A fraction of the appropriations of the Fonds national des solidarités actives (National Fund for Active Solidarity), defined each year by order of the ministers responsible for the budget, social action and employment, is earmarked for personalised assistance in returning to work.
Personalised assistance to return to work may be awarded to recipients of the active solidarity income who are required to comply with the obligation set out in Article L. 262-28 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. Its purpose is to cover all or part of the costs incurred in taking up or resuming a professional activity, whether in the form of employment, training or setting up a…
The expenses mentioned in article R. 5133-10 justifying payment of the aid are in particular those arising from the return to work, in terms of transport, clothing, housing, childcare, obtaining a diploma, licence, certification or authorisation required for a professional activity.
Personalised assistance to return to work is paid: 1° Either to the beneficiary, to cover all or part of the expenses incurred by the beneficiary; 2° Or to a service provider in direct payment of an expense. The amount of aid is awarded on the basis of supporting documents, in accordance with the procedures and subject to a ceiling set by the agreement referred to in Article L. 262-32 of…
An agreement between the chairman of the management board of the Fonds national des solidarités actives and Pôle emploi sets out the conditions under which the aide personnalisée de retour à l’emploi is used to top up the aid and measures allocated by this body to recipients of the revenu de solidarité active, in the event of resumption of professional activity.
The amount of appropriations allocated per department for personalised assistance in returning to work is determined by the chairman of the management board of the Fonds national des solidarités actives on the basis of the forecast number of recipients of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income) covered by the provisions of Article L. 262-28 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. This amount is notified to…
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