Article R5141-33 of the French Labour Code
An order by the Minister for Employment sets out the composition of the application file and the model support contract.
An order by the Minister for Employment sets out the composition of the application file and the model support contract.
A label is created attesting to the ability of a natural or legal person to provide one or more of the phases of advice and support for business start-ups and takeovers mentioned in article R. 5141-29. The decision to grant the label, for one or all of the phases mentioned in article R. 5141-29, is taken by the Regional Prefect. The conditions for granting the label, its period of validity…
As soon as the support contract for the business project provided for in article L. 5142-1 has been concluded, the legal entity responsible for the support informs the Union de recouvrement des cotisations de sécurité sociale et d’allocations familiales (URSSAF) or the Caisse générale de sécurité sociale (CGSS), on the one hand, and Pôle emploi, on the other hand, of the conclusion of the support contract and the planned term…
When the beneficiary registers his company and makes the declaration provided for inarticle R. 123-16 of the French Commercial Code, the single body referred to in article R. 123-1 of the same code will send the bodies to which the beneficiary of the contract is obliged, where applicable, to join, at the end of the contract, a copy of the contract indicating its scheduled term. The person responsible for the…
For the purposes ofArticle L. 242-1 of the Social Security Code, and notwithstanding the provisions of the sixth paragraph of Article R. 242-1 of this code, the income corresponding to the receipts (excluding tax) generated by the activity of the beneficiary of the support contract and to the remuneration provided for in 7° of article 1 of decree no. 2005-505 of 19 May 2005 relating to the business project support…
Social security contributions are collected under the conditions laid down in Title III and Chapters III and IV of Title IV of Book II of the Social Security Code. Notwithstanding article R. 243-6 of the Social Security Code, social security contributions due in respect of remuneration paid during a calendar quarter are paid within the first fifteen days of the following calendar quarter to the body responsible for collection in…
For the purposes of calculating the insurance allowance and determining the contributions provided for in articles L. 5422-9 to L. 5422-11, remuneration is calculated in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 5142-3.
From the start of the economic activity, within the meaning of article L. 127-4 of the French Commercial Code, and until the end of the support contract, the exemption provided for in 7° of article L. 5141-1 relates to the social security contributions calculated in accordance with the procedures set out in article R. 5142-3 and paid by the legal entity responsible for the support on behalf of the beneficiary…
The personal activity account is implemented by means of the automated processing defined by this section. The provisions of this section apply without prejudice to the provisions governing the information systems implemented for the personal training account, the professional prevention account and the civic commitment account.
In accordance with the provisions of article L. 5151-6, the Minister for Employment has authorised the creation of an automated personal data processing system known as the “Personal Activity Account Information System” (SI-CPA). This automated processing is implemented and managed by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations.
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