Article L6355-22 of the French Labour Code
Any training provider who fails to provide the trainee with the document referred to in article L. 6353-8 prior to final enrolment and payment of fees is liable to a fine of 4,500 euros.
Any training provider who fails to provide the trainee with the document referred to in article L. 6353-8 prior to final enrolment and payment of fees is liable to a fine of 4,500 euros.
Conviction for the penalties provided for in articles L. 6355-1 to L. 6355-22 may be accompanied, as an additional penalty, by a temporary or permanent ban on exercising the activity of manager of a vocational training organisation. Any breach of this ban is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros. In addition, in the event of a repeat offence, the court may, for the application of…
Any person shall be liable to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of €37,500 if : 1° In their capacity as an employer, self-employed person, member of the liberal professions or self-employed person, has, by fraudulent means or actions, evaded their obligations under Articles L. 6331-1, L. 6331-3, L. 6331-6, L. 6331-48 to L. 6331-52, L. 6331-55, L. 6331-56 and L. 6331-69; 2° In their capacity as manager of a…
The State shall exercise administrative and financial control, under the conditions set out in this Title, over the actions provided for in article L. 6313-1 carried out by employers when they are financed by the State, local authorities, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Pôle emploi or skills operators, and over compliance with the obligations set out in article L. 6323-13.
The State exercises administrative and financial control over : 1° The vocational training activities carried out by: a) Skills operators; b) Bodies authorised to collect the financial contribution referred to in article L. 6331-48; c) Bodies responsible for providing vocational development advice, which are financed in this capacity by France Compétences; d) The commissions referred to in article L. 6323-17-6 approved to take charge of vocational transition projects; e) The…
The administrative and financial control of expenditure and activities covers all the financial, technical and teaching resources, excluding teaching qualities, used for vocational training. This control may cover all or part of the organisation’s activity, training activities or expenditure. Where necessary, the control officers may seek the opinion or expertise of public or professional authorities to help them assess the financial, technical and teaching resources used for vocational training.
Without prejudice to the specific remit of the inspection bodies responsible for the establishments concerned, the inspections provided for in this Title are carried out by the Labour Inspectorate inspectors mentioned in article L. 8112-1, vocational training inspectors and category A civil servants placed under the authority of the Minister responsible for vocational training, who have been trained in advance to carry out the inspections provided for in this Title,…
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the conditions of application of this chapter.
The tax authorities, social security bodies, skills operators, Pôle emploi, the commissions mentioned in Article L. 6323-17-6, the bodies authorised to collect the funding contribution mentioned in Article L. 6331-48, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, France Compétences, local and regional authorities, employers, the bodies responsible for carrying out all or part of the actions mentioned in Article L. 6313-1 and the administrations that finance training actions provide the control…
Employers shall present to the control officers mentioned in article L. 6361-5 the documents and records establishing compliance with the obligations mentioned in article L. 6323-13. Failing this, the employer shall not be deemed to have fulfilled the obligations incumbent upon it and shall pay to the Treasury, by decision of the administrative authority, the sums mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 6323-13.
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