Article R6341-14 of the French Labour Code
The training plan is sent, together with the trainee’s application for remuneration, under the conditions set out in 1° of article R. 6341-33.
The training plan is sent, together with the trainee’s application for remuneration, under the conditions set out in 1° of article R. 6341-33.
The duration of the internships is as follows: 1° Full-time internships: a) Maximum duration: three years; b) Minimum duration: forty hours; c) Minimum weekly duration: thirty hours; 2° Part-time internships: a) Maximum duration: three years; b) Minimum duration: forty hours.
Holders of a savings passbook instituted by article 80 of law no. 76-1232 of 29 December 1976 who are planning to set up or acquire a craft business, as well as their spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact or cohabitee, are given priority for access to training courses approved or agreed by the State when the training provided is aimed at acquiring the qualifications needed to manage a business.
The holder of a savings account is entitled to the priority provided for in article R. 6341-16 in the year preceding or following the expiry of the savings plan and for training of a maximum duration of four hundred hours.
The State covers the costs of training for holders of a savings passbook.
Trainees who do not set up or acquire a craft business within one year of completing the training course, reimburse the State for 50% of the training course costs: 1° Either when State aid is limited to holders of a savings passbook; 2° Or when the training course was completed while the employment contract was maintained and the time limit conditions set out in article R. 6323-10-3 are not met.
The holder of a savings passbook is exempt from the reimbursement provided for in article R. 6341-19 when the institution holding the savings passbook has refused to issue the loan provided for in the second paragraph of III of article 80 of law no. 76-1232 of 29 December 1976.
The holder of a savings account may be exempted from repayment in exceptional circumstances, by decision of the authority signing the agreement or, in the case of a training course not covered by an agreement, by decision of the regional prefect.
The provisions relating to the periodicity of the professional transition leave, set out in article R. 6323-10-3, do not apply to the holder of a savings passbook and his or her employed spouse, partner linked by a civil solidarity pact or cohabiting partner. In the year preceding or following the maturity of the savings plan, they may take individual training leave of up to 400 hours to prepare them for…
The monthly remuneration of jobseekers and self-employed workers who complete an approved training course on a part-time basis under the conditions set out in 1° and 2° of article L. 6341-2 is equal, for each hour of training, to the monthly remuneration they would have received for a full-time training course divided by 151.67. When, in application of the first paragraph, the amount of the monthly remuneration is less than…
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