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Article D1332-25 of the French Public Health Code

The person responsible for the bathing water establishes the procedures necessary to implement the planned management measures in order to prevent and manage pollution in the short term. The person responsible for the bathing water informs the mayor and the director general of the regional health agency as soon as they become aware of situations that have or may have a negative impact on the quality of the bathing water…

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Article D1332-26 of the French Public Health Code

When the bathing water profile defined in article D. 1332-20 indicates : -a potential risk of proliferation of cyanobacteria, i.e. accumulation of cyanobacteria in the form of blooms, slicks or scum ; or a tendency for macro-algae or marine phytoplankton to proliferate, the person responsible for the bathing water ensures appropriate monitoring, determines whether their presence is acceptable for public health and identifies in good time the health risks and…

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Article D1332-27 of the French Public Health Code

At the end of each bathing season, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency assesses the quality of each bathing water on the basis of all the data relating to water quality collected as part of health monitoring in accordance with the provisions of articles D. 1332-23 and D. 1332-24, during the current year’s bathing season and the three previous bathing seasons. Following the assessment of the quality of…

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Article D1332-28 of the French Public Health Code

The person responsible for a bathing water shall take appropriate, realistic and proportionate measures to ensure that the bathing water is of at least “sufficient” quality, with a view to achieving “excellent” or “good” quality. It informs the mayor and the director general of the regional health agency of all these measures, at their request. At the end of the 2015 bathing season, all bathing waters were of at least…

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Article D1332-29 of the French Public Health Code

Without prejudice to the requirement laid down in Article D. 1332-28, the temporary classification of a bathing water as being of “poor” quality is permitted, without however entailing non-compliance with this section. The person responsible for a bathing water temporarily classified as being of “poor” quality is required to take the following measures, with effect from the bathing season following the classification: a) Appropriate management measures, including a bathing ban…

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Article D1332-30 of the French Public Health Code

Where a bathing water is classified as being of “poor” quality for five consecutive years, a decision to close the bathing site is taken by the person responsible for the bathing water for a period covering at least the whole of the following bathing season. If the person responsible for the bathing water considers that it is impossible or unreasonably expensive to achieve “sufficient” quality status, he or she may,…

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Article D1332-31 of the French Public Health Code

When the person responsible for a bathing water is a local authority or a group of local authorities, the information provided for in articles D. 1332-21, D. 1332-22, D. 1332-24 and D. 1332-28 to D. 1332-30 is sent directly between the person responsible for the bathing water and the Prefect. The Director General of the Regional Health Agency sends the Prefect the information he receives in application of these articles,…

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Article D1332-32 of the French Public Health Code

The person responsible for the bathing water shall make available to the public by posting, during the bathing season, in an easily accessible place in the immediate vicinity of each bathing water and, where appropriate, by any other suitable means of communication, the following information, in French and possibly in other languages: 1° The classification of the bathing water established at the end of the previous bathing season and, where…

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Article D1332-33 of the French Public Health Code

The Director General of the Regional Health Agency disseminates the information provided for in article D. 1332-32 as well as the following information by appropriate means of communication and technology, including the Internet, if necessary in several languages: -the list of bathing waters in the département referred to in article D. 1332-19, which must be available each year before the start of the bathing season; -the classification of each bathing…

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Article D1332-34 of the French Public Health Code

Municipalities and persons responsible for bathing waters shall ensure that the public is involved in the implementation of the provisions of this section, by informing them of the possible ways in which they can participate and by collecting their suggestions, comments or complaints.

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