Article D333-5-4 of the French Tourism Code
Classified leisure residential parks must display a sign at their entrance, based on a model drawn up by the body mentioned in article L. 141-2 and approved by order of the Minister for Tourism.
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Classified leisure residential parks must display a sign at their entrance, based on a model drawn up by the body mentioned in article L. 141-2 and approved by order of the Minister for Tourism.
The classification decision referred to in Article D. 333-5-3 may be revoked or amended for the remaining period of the initial decision if, following an adversarial procedure initiated by the body referred to in Article L. 141-2 following a complaint, the operator fails to demonstrate compliance with the classification table on one or more of the criteria on the basis of which classification was granted. An order by the Minister…
The Prefect may decide to remove a campsite from the list of classified residential leisure parks on the grounds that the facilities are not maintained or are seriously inadequately maintained. He will inform the body mentioned in article L. 141-2 of his decision.
The cancellation provided for in article R. 333-6 may not be pronounced unless the operator has first been notified and invited to be heard in person or by a representative.
The rules governing the installation of mobile leisure homes are set out in articles R. 111-41 to R. 111-46 of the town planning code.
Articles R. 2124-13 to R. 2124-38 of the Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques set out the rules for occupying beaches under concession, awarding beach concessions and operating sub-contracts, and terminating concessions and operating agreements.
Articles R. 2124-39 to R. 2124-55 of the Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques set out the rules for temporary occupation of the public maritime domain, outside the administrative boundaries of ports, with a view to the development, organisation and management of anchorage areas and light facilities intended for the reception and parking of ships and boats as defined by the Transport Code.
The rules relating to the occupation of the public river domain with a view to the development, organisation and management of anchorage areas and light facilities are set out in this section and in article R. 2124-58 of the General Code on the Ownership of Public Property.
The general rules governing the mooring policy referred to in article L. 341-13, applicable to the public river and maritime domains, are defined in a set of regulations drawn up, depending on the case, by order of the Prefect or by a joint order of the Prefect and the Maritime Prefect, issued after consultation with the licence holder. These regulations define the access channels and the navigation rules in these…
Independently of offences relating to the conservation of the public domain, which remain subject to the “contravention de grande voirie” system, breaches of the provisions of the mooring regulations mentioned in article R. 341-4 will be punishable by the fines laid down for 2nd class offences. In the event of a repeat offence, the fines laid down for 3rd class offences will be applied. Any person who refuses to carry…
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