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Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes

Article R3143-3 of the French Labour Code

Failure to comply with the provisions of articles L. 3142-95, L. 3142-96 and D. 3142-62 relating to national service is punishable by a fifth-class fine. Repeated offences are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Criminal Code.

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Article D3154-1 of the French Labour Code

Pending the establishment of an insurance or financial guarantee scheme under the conditions set out in articles D. 3154-2 to D. 3154-4, when the rights recorded in the time savings account reach the highest amount of guaranteed rights set in application of article L. 3253-17, the rights in excess of this ceiling are liquidated. The employee receives compensation corresponding to the monetary conversion of these rights.

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Article D3154-2 of the French Labour Code

The rights saved in the time savings account may exceed the ceiling determined in article D. 3154-1 when a collective labour agreement provides for an insurance or financial guarantee scheme covering the additional sums saved. In the absence of such a collective agreement, the financial guarantee scheme is set up by the employer. The schemes referred to in the previous paragraph must enable payment of the rights acquired by the…

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Article D3154-3 of the French Labour Code

The financial guarantee may only result from a guarantee undertaking given by : 1° A mutual guarantee company; 2° A collective guarantee body; 3° An insurance company; 4° A bank; 5° A financial institution authorised to provide guarantees.

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Article D3154-4 of the French Labour Code

The guarantee commitment is the subject of a written contract specifying the conditions and the amount of the guarantee granted. This contract, which must be made available to the Labour Inspectorate, stipulates that the guarantor waives the right of discussion provided for in articles 2305 and 2305-1 of the French Civil Code in the event of the employer’s default.

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Article D3154-5 of the French Labour Code

When an employee requests, in agreement with his employer, the deposit of all the rights acquired on his time savings account, converted into monetary units, the sums are transferred by the latter to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations. The transfer is accompanied by a written request from the employee and a declaration of deposit completed by the employer. The Caisse des dépôts et consignations issues a receipt for the…

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Article D3154-6 of the French Labour Code

The rights deposited may be released : 1° At the request of the beneficiary employee, by the transfer of all or part of the sums deposited in the time savings account, the company savings plan, the inter-company savings plan, the collective retirement savings plan or the collective company retirement savings plan set up by his new employer, under the conditions provided for by the collective agreement setting up the time…

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Article R3162-1 of the French Labour Code

Where the collective organisation of work so warrants, in application of Article L. 3162-1, young workers may be employed in actual work exceeding eight hours per day and thirty-five hours per week, subject to a limit of ten hours per day and forty hours per week for: 1° Activities carried out on building sites; 2° Activities carried out on public works sites; 3° Creation, development and maintenance activities on landscaping…

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Article R3163-1 of the French Labour Code

The sectors in which the particular characteristics of the activity justify, in application of articles L. 3163-2 and L. 6222-26, the granting of a derogation from the ban on night work for young workers are: 1° Hotels; 2° Restaurants; 3° Bakeries; 4° Pastry shops; 5° Entertainment; 6° Horse racing, for all activities related to riding and leading in races.

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