Article R3262-44 of the French Labour Code
The commission is assisted by one or more chartered accountants appointed, on its proposal, by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and the economy and finance.
The commission is assisted by one or more chartered accountants appointed, on its proposal, by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and the economy and finance.
The Commission may set up advisory committees in a département or group of départements, whose membership is similar to its own.
Failure to comply with the first and third paragraphs of article L. 3262-2, article L. 3262-3 and the second paragraph of article L. 3262-5 is punishable by a fourth-class fine. The same applies to infringements of the provisions of articles R. 3262-1, R. 3262-2, R. 3262-4 to R. 3262-11, R. 3262-16, R. 3262-17, R. 3262-20 to R. 3262-25, R. 3262-33 to R. 3262-35 and R. 3262-37 to R. 3262-39 ,…
In public companies whose employees are subject to statutory or regulatory working conditions, profit-sharing agreements may set a maximum amount to be distributed up to a limit of one-fifth of the total gross salaries paid to the employees concerned.
In public companies, profit-sharing agreements may only come into force after they have been approved by a decree issued by the Minister for the Economy and the Minister responsible for the company, following the opinion of the Interministerial Commission for the Coordination of Wages.
The provisions of this Title also apply to the persons mentioned in Articles L. 3312-2 and L. 3312-3.
Employees of an employers’ group that has not set up a profit-sharing scheme may benefit from the profit-sharing scheme set up in each of the companies in the group to which they are seconded if the agreement so provides.
The provisions of this Title are applicable to the profit-sharing scheme referred to in Article L. 3312-6.
The unilateral profit-sharing agreement or decision or the unilateral document provided for in article L. 3312-8 shall be filed on the tele-procedure platform mentioned in article D. 2231-4 under the conditions provided for in that article and in II of article D. 2231-2, within fifteen days of the deadline provided for in article L. 3314-4.
When the agreement providing for employee profit-sharing in the company is based on a calculation formula that takes into account the results of one or more affiliated companies, within the meaning of article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code, the list of these companies whose registered office is located in France is appended to the text of the agreement filed. For each affiliated company, the address of its registered…
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