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Article R212-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The commission provided for in Article L. 212-9 sits either in plenary session, or in specialised sessions for one or more sectors of activity. Each of these panels is chaired by the Chairman of the Commission and comprises an equal number of employee and employer representatives.

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Article R212-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The committee comprises twelve representatives of employees’ organisations and twelve representatives of employers’ organisations. The organisations called upon to appoint representatives and the number of representatives from each shall be determined by order of the Minister responsible for culture. An alternate shall be appointed, under the same conditions, for each of the full representatives of the employees’ and employers’ organisations. Alternate members of the committee will attend meetings and take…

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Article R212-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The committee and its specialist bodies meet when convened by the chairman and on the agenda he has set. Meetings are convened as of right when requested, on a specific agenda, either by the minister responsible for culture or by one third of the members of the committee.

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Article R212-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The Commission and its specialised committees may only validly deliberate if three quarters of their members are present or duly represented. If this quorum is not reached, the commission is reconvened within eight days; it may then deliberate regardless of the number of members present.

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Article R212-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The secretariat of the commission is provided by the services of the minister responsible for culture. The meetings of the commission are not public. However, the committee may hear any person it deems useful. The committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure. The committee’s decisions shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic by the minister responsible for culture.

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Article R212-8 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The performer who wishes to exercise the right to terminate the authorisation given to a phonogram producer provided for in article L. 212-3-1 notifies the producer of his intention to terminate by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The notification specifies: the surname, first name and address of the performer; the title, the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC code) or any other means of identifying the phonogram that is not…

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Article R214-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The commission provided for in Article L. 214-4 sits either in plenary formation, or in formations specialising in one or more branches of activity. Each of these panels is chaired by the chairman of the commission and includes an equal number of representatives of the beneficiaries of the remuneration right and representatives of phonogram users. .

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