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Article R423-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The advertising and personalised solicitation provided for in Article L. 423-1 are permitted for industrial property attorneys if they provide sincere information on the nature of the services offered and if their implementation respects the essential principles of the profession. They exclude any comparative or disparaging elements, as well as any mention likely to infringe professional secrecy. Personalised solicitation takes the form of a postal item, a telephone call or…

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Article R511-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Any creator of designs belonging to one of the industries referred to in Article R. 511-2 or to similar industries who has an interest in having the date of creation of designs established may have recourse to the means of proof provided for in articles R. 511-3 to R. 511-5 .

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Article R511-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The provisions of article R. 511-1 are applicable to the industries of engravers, stampers, jewellers, goldsmiths, bronze manufacturers and related industries, embroiderers, lace manufacturers, silk manufacturers, ribbon making, fabrics and textiles, foundry typography, glass and bottle making, furniture, ceramics, crystal, ice and glassware, tapestry and decoration, upholstery fabrics, tapestries and carpets, the manufacture of billiards and related industries, the manufacture of wallpaper, fur and furs, costume jewellery of all kinds…

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Article R511-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Drawings or graphic reproductions of designs must be drawn up on a sheet of paper of which only one side is used; the parts left free must be filled in by hatching stopping at the very limit of the drawing and no more than 20 millimetres apart; the dimensions of the paper to be used are 21 x 29.7 or 42 x 29.7. On this reproduction shall be mentioned all…

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Article R511-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code

These drawings are copied at the press on their date into a copy book or reproduced by transfer onto a special register formed from sheets of bubble paper to be stitched thin enough so that they cannot contain any scratching or overprinting; these registers are endorsed and stamped, before use, by the National Institute of Industrial Property under the conditions determined by ministerial order. The documents thus copied or reproduced…

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Article R512-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The application for registration of a design shall be filed at the headquarters of the National Institute of Industrial Property or shall be sent there by post or by any means of teletransmission under the conditions defined by decision of its Director General. The filing date shall be that of receipt of the application at the registered office of the Institute. The Director General of the Institute may require the…

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Article R512-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The application may be filed personally by the applicant or by an agent whose domicile, registered office or place of business is in a Member State of the European Union or in a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The representative appointed for the filing of a design application and any subsequent acts relating to the registration procedure, with the exception of the simple payment of…

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Article R512-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Where a single filing relates to several designs, the products in which these designs are intended to be incorporated or to which they are intended to be applied must fall within the same class, within the meaning of the classification established by the Locarno Agreement of 8 October 1968. However, this condition does not apply where the filing relates to ornamentation or if it has been made in the simplified…

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Article R512-3-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Until the start of technical preparations for publication, the applicant may be authorised, by written request addressed to the Director of the National Institute of Industrial Property, to rectify material errors found in the documents filed. The Institute may require justification of the reality of the material error to be corrected and, where appropriate, of the meaning of the correction requested.

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