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Article R612-74 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Mention of the grant of the patent is published in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property. This mention includes an indication of the reference to the number of the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property in which the patent application was made public as well as the existence of amendments to the claims.

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Article R612-75 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The texts of patents shall be published in extenso and kept at the Institut national de la propriété industrielle. The files of patent applications shall be kept by the Institut national de la propriété industrielle until the end of a period of ten years after the expiry of the rights attached to the patents. The original parts of the descriptions and drawings of patents not printed before 11 April 1902…

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Article R613-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Applications for a compulsory licence pursuant to articles L. 613-11 to L. 613-15 shall be submitted to the courts designated in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 615-17. They shall be lodged, investigated and judged in accordance with the ordinary law procedure, subject to the provisions of articles R. 613-5 to R. 613-44.

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Article R613-6 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The Minister responsible for industrial property may submit to the court his observations on the licence application by memorandum addressed to the secretariat-registry. The Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property or an official from his department, delegated by the Minister responsible for industrial property, shall be heard, if he so wishes, by the court.

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Article R613-8 of the French Intellectual Property Code

All decisions taken by the courts, courts of appeal and the Court of Cassation concerning compulsory licences shall be notified immediately by the secretary-registrar to the Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property. Final decisions shall be entered ex officio in the National Patent Register.

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Article R613-10 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The orders of the Minister responsible for industrial property provided for in Articles L. 613-16and L. 613-17 shall be made following the reasoned opinion of a commission composed as follows: 1° A Conseiller d’Etat, chairman, appointed by joint order of the ministers responsible for industrial property and health; 2° The Director General of Health or his representative; 3° The Director of the Institut national de la santé et de la…

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Article R613-11 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Reports to the Committee are entrusted either to members of the Committee or to members of the Conseil d’Etat, the Court of Auditors, the Inspectorate General of Finance and the Inspectorate of Pharmacy, appointed by order of the Minister responsible for industrial property. The chairman appoints, for each case, one or, if necessary, several rapporteurs. Rapporteurs receive an allowance, the amount of which is set by joint order of the…

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