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Article L3221-9 of the French Labour Code

The Labour Inspectorate control officers mentioned in article L. 8112-1 or, where applicable, other equivalent control officers are responsible, within their respective areas of competence, concurrently with the officers and agents of the judicial police, for recording breaches of these provisions.

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Article L3222-1 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of articles 132-58 to 132-62 of the French Penal Code relating to deferment of sentencing are applicable in the case of prosecutions for breaches of the provisions of articles L. 3221-2 to L. 3221-7, subject to the specific measures provided for by this article. The adjournment includes an injunction to the employer to define, after consultation with the social and economic committee, and within a specified period, the…

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Article L3222-2 of the French Labour Code

At the adjournment hearing and in the light of the measures defined and, where applicable, carried out by the employer, the court will consider whether to waive the penalty or impose the penalties provided for by law. However, if the time limit stipulated in the second paragraph of article L. 3222-1 has not been respected, the court may order a new and final adjournment and set a new time limit…

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Article L3231-1 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of this chapter apply, in addition to the employers and employees mentioned in article L. 3211-1, to the staff of public industrial and commercial establishments and to the private-law staff of public administrative establishments.

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Article L3231-3 of the French Labour Code

Clauses in collective labour agreements or agreements that include index-linking to the minimum growth wage or references to the minimum growth wage for the purpose of setting and revising the wages provided for in such agreements or agreements are prohibited.

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Article L3231-4 of the French Labour Code

The guarantee of employees’ purchasing power provided for in 1° of article L. 3231-2 is ensured by indexing the minimum growth wage to changes in the national consumer price index established as a reference by regulation.

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Article L3231-5 of the French Labour Code

When the national consumer price index reaches a level corresponding to an increase of at least 2% compared to the index recorded when the immediately preceding minimum growth wage was established, the minimum growth wage is increased in the same proportion from the first day of the month following publication of the index leading to this increase.

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