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Article R714-8 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Any entry made in the National Register of Trademarks shall be mentioned in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property. Any interested person may obtain from the Institute: 1° A certificate of identity including the design of the mark, the indications relating to the filing and registration, and, where applicable, the limitations to the list of goods or services resulting from a withdrawal, renunciation, division or decision; 2° A reproduction of…

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Article R714-9 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Inadmissible, rejected, or non-renewed deposits may be returned to their owner, at his request and expense. If they have not been claimed, they may be destroyed by the National Institute of Industrial Property, after a period of one year for inadmissible and rejected deposits, or ten years for non-renewed deposits.

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Article R715-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The regulations for use referred to in Article L. 715-2 shall include: 1° The name of the proprietor of the trade mark; 2° A statement that the proprietor of the trade mark complies with the requirements of Article L. 715-2; 3° The representation of the mark; 4° The goods or services covered by the mark; 5° The characteristics of the goods or services that the mark guarantees; 6° The persons…

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Article R715-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The regulations governing use referred to in article L. 715-6 shall include: 1° The name of the proprietor of the trade mark; 2° The purpose of the association, grouping or legal person governed by public law that is the proprietor of the trade mark; 3° The bodies authorised to represent the association, grouping or legal person governed by public law; 4° In the case of an association or grouping, the…

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Article R716-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The application for invalidity or lapse referred to in Article L. 716-1 shall be made in writing in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by decision of the Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property. It shall include: 1° The identity of the applicant; 2° Where applicable, information to establish the existence, nature, origin and scope of the prior rights invoked; 3° The references of the…

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Article R716-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code

An application for a declaration of invalidity or revocation made under the conditions provided for in article L. 716-2, the second paragraph of article L. 716-2-1 and article L. 716-3 may be made by a natural person or legal entity acting personally or through an agent meeting the conditions provided for in article R. 712-2. These procedures apply to the observations submitted in response to this request. In the event…

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Article R716-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The Institut national de la propriété industrielle shall observe and observe itself the principle of contradiction. It may not base its decision on pleas, explanations or documents put forward or produced by the parties without the latter having been given the opportunity to debate them in adversarial proceedings. The parties must expressly state their claims and the factual and legal arguments on which each of their claims is based. All…

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Article R716-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code

An official of the National Institute of Industrial Property who has investigated an application for registration of a trade mark or an opposition filed against an application for registration of a trade mark may not investigate an application for cancellation or revocation of that same trade mark.

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Article R716-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Any application for invalidity or revocation filed in violation of Article L. 716-5 or filed by a person who is not qualified or who does not satisfy the conditions set out in Articles R. 716-1 and R. 716-2 shall be declared inadmissible. However, such inadmissibility may only be invoked by the National Institute of Industrial Property after the applicant has been invited to complete the missing particulars and documents or…

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