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Article L3345-4 of the French Labour Code

A branch agreement on profit-sharing, incentive schemes or setting up an employee savings plan is subject to an approval procedure conducted by the competent administrative authority as from its submission within a period and under conditions determined by decree. The period mentioned in the first paragraph may not exceed four months. It may be extended once for a period equivalent to half the initial period. During the period referred to…

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Article L3347-1 of the French Labour Code

The provisions of this Title insofar as they concern profit-sharing agreements apply to profit-sharing schemes set up unilaterally pursuant to II of Article L. 3312-5, with the exception of those provided for in sections 1 to 3 of Chapter I and in Articles L. 3344-2, L. 3344-3 and L. 3345-4.

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Article L3422-2 of the French Labour Code

In Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, the following days commemorating the abolition of slavery are public holidays: 1° 27 April in Mayotte ; 2° 22 May in Martinique ; 3° 27 May in Guadeloupe and Saint-Martin ; 4° 10 June in French Guiana ; 5° On 9 October in Saint-Barthélemy ; 6° On 20 December in Réunion.

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Article L3422-3 of the French Labour Code

In Mayotte, the lists drawn up in articles L. 3133-1 and L. 3422-2 do not affect the stipulations of collective labour agreements or practices that provide for additional public holidays, in particular Miradji, Idi-el-Fitri, Idi-el-Kabir and Maoulid.

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Article L3422-5 of the French Labour Code

For the application of article L. 3152-4 in Mayotte : a) The benefits mentioned in 1° are those of the schemes mentioned in articles 23-7 and 23-8 of order no. 2002-411 of 27 March 2002 relating to health and social protection in Mayotte ; b) A of 2° does not apply; c) In b of 2°, the word “And” is deleted.

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Article L3423-1 of the French Labour Code

When the minimum wage applicable in mainland France is raised in application of articles L. 3231-4 and L. 3231-5, the minimum wage in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin is raised on the same date and in the same proportions.

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