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Article R716-6 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Subject to inadmissibility being raised ex officio by the Institute and to the cases of suspension or closure of the proceedings provided for respectively in Articles R. 716-9 and R. 716-11, the application for invalidity or revocation shall be examined in accordance with the following procedure: 1° The application shall be notified to the proprietor of the contested mark. A period of two months shall be allowed for the proprietor…

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Article R716-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The Director General of the Institute shall rule on the application for invalidity or revocation in the light of all the written and oral observations submitted, if any, by the parties. At any time during the proceedings, by express request: 1° The applicant for invalidity may waive one or more of the grounds invoked or limit the scope of his application to some of the goods or services invoked or…

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Article R716-8 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The period mentioned in the last paragraph of Article L. 716-1 is three months. The date of the end of the examination phase referred to in the same article is notified without delay to the parties by the Director General of the Institute. This date occurs if a party has not submitted any observations by the end of the periods mentioned in Article R. 716-6 and, at the latest, on…

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Article R716-9 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The investigation phase and the period mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 716-8 may be suspended: 1° Where the application for a declaration of invalidity is based in whole or in part on an application for registration of a trade mark or geographical indication or on a geographical indication whose specification is the subject of an amendment affecting the basis of the application for a declaration of invalidity;…

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Article R716-10 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Where administrative invalidity proceedings are suspended pursuant to the provisions of 1° of Article R. 716-9, they are resumed at the request of one of the parties or, where applicable, at the initiative of the Institute once the registration of the trademark or geographical indication or the approval or amendment of the specifications of the geographical indication has been noted. Where invalidity proceedings are suspended pursuant to the provisions of…

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Article R716-11 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Proceedings for nullity or lapse are closed: 1° Where the applicant has withdrawn his application; 2° Where the applicant has lost his standing; 3° Where the application is moot as a result of an agreement between the parties ; 4° Where the effects of the trade mark against which the application has been made have ceased, unless the applicant shows a legitimate interest in obtaining a decision on the merits;…

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Article R716-12 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The notification referred to in the last paragraph of Article L. 411-5 shall indicate the time limit for appeal, the manner in which it may be exercised and the names and addresses of the parties to the proceedings before the National Institute of Industrial Property. The time limits for appeal shall not be enforceable against the author of the appeal where the letter of notification does not include the indications…

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Article R716-13 of the French Intellectual Property Code

An application for invalidity or revocation of a trade mark shall be inadmissible where a decision relating to an application having the same subject matter and cause of action has been given between the same parties in the same capacity by the National Institute of Industrial Property or by a court and that decision is no longer subject to appeal. Without prejudice to the provisions of the second paragraph of…

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Article R716-14 of the French Intellectual Property Code

Where a counterclaim for invalidity or revocation of a trade mark is brought before a court subsequent to a claim brought between the same parties and in respect of the same facts before the National Institute of Industrial Property, the court may stay the proceedings until the day on which the decision on the invalidity or revocation is no longer subject to appeal. During the stay of proceedings, any provisional…

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Article R716-15 of the French Intellectual Property Code

The period provided for in the last paragraph of article L. 716-4-6 and given to the applicant to lodge a civil or criminal action on the merits, or a complaint with the public prosecutor, is twenty working days or thirty-one calendar days, whichever is longer, from the date of the order. .

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