Article R523-2 of the French Consumer Code
The administrative authority mentioned in article R. 523-1 forwards the proposed settlement to the public prosecutor within three months of the closure of the official report establishing the offence.
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The administrative authority mentioned in article R. 523-1 forwards the proposed settlement to the public prosecutor within three months of the closure of the official report establishing the offence.
When the public prosecutor has agreed to the settlement proposal, the administrative authority notifies the offender in duplicate.
If at the end of the period mentioned in article R. 523-3, the offender has refused the proposal or has not responded to it, the administrative authority shall inform the public prosecutor without delay. The latter shall also be informed by the administrative authority if the offender has not paid the sum specified in the settlement by the end of the time limit set or has not fulfilled any other…
The administrative authority referred to in Articles L. 524-1 to L. 524-4 is the Director General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, the Head of the National Investigations Department of the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, the Regional Director for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity or the Director of the Departmental Directorate responsible for the Protection of Populations. The Director General of Competition, Consumer…
For the application of this book, the administrative authority responsible for competition and consumer affairs may, before the civil courts, and in accordance with the rules applicable thereto, intervene, file pleadings and present them at the hearing. It may also produce minutes and reports.
The administrative authority mentioned in articles L. 525-1 and R. 525-1 is the Director General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, the Head of the National Investigation Department of the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control, the Regional Director for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity or the Director of the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations. The Director General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and…
When it acts pursuant to articles L. 524-1 to L. 524-4 and R. 525-1 the administrative authority is exempted from the ministry of a lawyer.
The fact that a holder of goods has failed to keep a sample left in his custody pursuant to article R. 512-15 or having altered its condition is punishable by the penalty laid down for 5th class offences. Recidivism is punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the Penal Code.
The fact of offering for sale or selling, without waiting for the results of an official inspection in progress, goods recognised as not conforming to the regulations or as falsified following the investigation following this inspection is punishable by the penalty laid down for 5th class contraventions. Recidivism is punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the Criminal Code.
The amount of the penalty referred to in Article L. 531-6 is equal, up to a limit of 10,000 euros, to the cumulative amount of: 1° Sampling and transport costs, set at a flat rate of 220 euros (including VAT) per sample; 2° Analysis or testing costs incurred by the state laboratory.
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