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The Commission may be asked for its opinion when, in the course of proceedings, the unfair nature of a contractual term is raised. The competent judge shall ask the Commission, in a decision that is not subject to appeal, for its opinion on the unfair nature of this term as defined in article L. 212-1. The opinion is not binding on the judge.
The chairman of the committee is replaced by the vice-chairman.
Committee meetings are not open to the public. In the absence of a consensus, the committee decides by a majority of the votes of the members present. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting has the casting vote. The committee draws up its own rules of procedure, which are published in the Bulletin officiel de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes….
The Commission’s opinions and recommendations are reasoned. The chairman of the commission communicates the opinion or recommendation to the minister responsible for consumer affairs, to the ministers concerned, to the author of the referral and to the professionals heard during the investigation. The Government Commissioner appointed under the conditions provided for by article R. 822-8 shall draw up a report each year and send it to the Commission set up…
The Government Commissioner attends all meetings of the Commission or is represented by a delegate whom he designates in a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Commission. He or his representative may also be assisted by one or more civil servants or qualified agents.
I.-Public officials and magistrates seconded to the joint departments defined in Article R. 822-12 or made available to these departments and employees of the Institut national de la consommation may perform the duties of secretary or assistant to the commission. The holders of these positions are chosen by the Director General of the Institut national de la consommation in agreement with the Chairman of the Commission. II.-To examine opinions or…
The national metrology and testing laboratory is placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for industry.
The board of directors of the national metrology and testing laboratory comprises:
Members of the Board of Directors are entitled to reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses actually incurred by them in connection with Board meetings under the conditions set out in the décret n° 2006-781 du 3 juillet 2006 fixant les conditions et les modalités de règlement des frais occasionnés par les déplacements temporaires des personnels civils lorsqu’ils sont à la charge des budgets de l’Etat, des établissements publics nationaux à…
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