Article R511-3 of the French Consumer Code
Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures obtained in digital format constitute signature procedures in digital format within the meaning of Article L. 511-2-1.
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Electronic signatures and handwritten signatures obtained in digital format constitute signature procedures in digital format within the meaning of Article L. 511-2-1.
The electronic signature shall be affixed under the conditions laid down in Articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code. This signature is at least of an advanced level based on a qualified certificate, within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.
A handwritten signature collected in digital format is validly affixed if the signatory has first been given the opportunity to acquaint himself with the document and if, subsequent to its collection, an electronic signature is affixed to the document by one of the agents mentioned in Article R. 511-2.
The reports recording an infringement or a breach drawn up by the authorised agents shall state the nature, date and place of the observations or checks carried out.They shall be signed by the agents who carried out the observations or checks. .
The authorised officers carry out basic checks with the aim of identifying goods or detecting any non-conformity with the characteristics they must possess.
Where a basic inspection has not established non-compliance with the regulations, the quantity of the product rendered unusable shall be reimbursed under the conditions set out in article L. 512-24.
Transport contractors are required to produce to authorised agents the movement documents, consignment notes, receipts, bills of lading and declarations in their possession.
Law enforcement officers are required, where necessary, to assist authorised officers in making findings, taking samples or seizing goods.
Competition, consumer affairs and fraud control officers may be assisted in their inspections by: 1° State civil servants and contractual agents governed by the décret n° 86-83 du 17 janvier 1986 relatif aux dispositions générales applicables aux agents contractuels de l’Etat who are assigned to one of the following directorates: a) the Directorate-General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control; > b) a regional directorate of the Ministry of the…
The authorised officers may take observations and statements from any person likely to provide useful information for their findings, either by summons or on site. They will draw up a report, to which they may attach specimens of packaging, labelling or goods.
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