Article R217-12 of the French Consumer Code
An order of the minister responsible for the economy establishes the list of information required to examine the application, the supporting documents that accompany it and the application form.
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An order of the minister responsible for the economy establishes the list of information required to examine the application, the supporting documents that accompany it and the application form.
The standard withdrawal form referred to in 7° of Article L. 221-5 is annexed to this code.
En application des 4°, 5° et 6° de l’article L. 221-5, the trader shall provide the consumer with the following information: 1° His name or business name, the geographical address where the trader is established, his telephone number and e-mail address and, where applicable, the geographical address and identity of the trader on whose behalf he is acting; 2° Where applicable, the means of online communication in addition to those…
The information relating to the right of withdrawal referred to in 7°, 8° and 9° of Article L. 221-5 may be provided by means of the duly completed standard information notice annexed to this code.
In the case of public auctions, the information provided for in the fourteenth paragraph of Article L. 221-5 concerns the voluntary sales auctioneer.
For the application of the provisions of article L. 222-5, the supplier shall provide the consumer with information concerning: 1° Its identity: the identity, principal activity, geographical address at which the supplier of financial services is established, and any other address necessary for monitoring relations between the consumer and the supplier. Where the supplier uses the services of a representative or intermediary, he shall also communicate to the consumer the…
In the case of voice telephony communications, the identity of the supplier and the commercial nature of the call initiated by the supplier shall be indicated unequivocally at the beginning of any conversation with the consumer.
When a payment service defined in II of article L. 314-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code is provided under the conditions set out in articles L. 222-1 and L. 222-2 of this code, the supplier shall communicate to the consumer, without prejudice to the information specified by the legislative and regulatory provisions specific to this service, the information provided for in the second sentence of the first paragraph of…
Where the document by which the consumer has communicated his wish to withdraw to the supplier has been sent on paper or on another durable medium before the expiry of the period referred to in Article L. 222-7, the consumer is deemed to have complied with this time limit.
La liste d’opposition au démarchage téléphonique prévue à l’article L. 223-1 involves the automatic processing of personal data, the implementation and management of which are entrusted to a public-law or private-law body designated under the conditions set out in Article L. 223-4, for a maximum period of five years.
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