Article R4461-12 of the French Labour Code
The employer shall ensure that the qualifications and medical fitness of each worker are appropriate for the job assigned.
The employer shall ensure that the qualifications and medical fitness of each worker are appropriate for the job assigned.
On the site of intervention or hyperbaric work, for each intervention for work or other purposes, the employer draws up a safety sheet on which he indicates : 1° The date and place of the intervention or work; 2° The identity of the workers concerned as well as their function and, in the case of self-employed workers or employees of an external company, the identification of the latter; 3° The…
In order to ensure the traceability of any exposure to the risks inherent in the work carried out under the conditions mentioned in Article R. 4461-1, the employer shall keep the original of the safety sheet and provide each worker who took part in the work with a copy of this sheet. The employer shall forward to the occupational health service, at the latest on the occasion of the visits…
With the exception of the breath-holding interventions mentioned in Article R. 4461-42, interventions and work in hyperbaric environments are performed while breathing air, another gas mixture or pure oxygen under the conditions set out in this sub-section.
The employer determines the most appropriate breathing gas for the working conditions.
Breathing compressed air is permitted up to a relative pressure of 6,000 hectopascals. Above 6,000 hectopascals, specific breathing mixtures must be used.
Without prejudice to the occupational exposure limit values laid down in articles R. 4222-10, R. 4412-149 and R. 4412-150, the air or mixtures breathed during work must have the following characteristics: 1° In the case of carbon dioxide, a partial pressure of less than 10 hectopascals ; 2° In the case of carbon monoxide, a partial pressure of less than 0.05 hectopascals; 3° In the case of water vapour, for…
The partial pressure of nitrogen in a breathing mixture must be less than 5,600 hectopascals.
The partial pressure of oxygen in a breathed mixture must not : I. – Be less than 160 hectopascals and, in a hyperbaric work chamber, be greater than 25 per cent of the absolute pressure. II – Exceed the following values: 1° During periods of physical activity, outside the compression and decompression phases and for continuous periods of exposure not exceeding 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 hours respectively: 1,600…
By way of derogation from I of Article R. 4461-19, breathing pure oxygen under pressure with a personal respirator is authorised during decompression periods in accordance with the decompression procedures defined in 6° of Article R. 4461-6.
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