Article R1227-4 of the French Labour Code
Failure to provide the information specified in articles D. 1221-30 and D. 1221-31, relating to the monthly statement of employment contracts, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
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Failure to provide the information specified in articles D. 1221-30 and D. 1221-31, relating to the monthly statement of employment contracts, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
Disregarding the provisions of: 1° Articles L. 1225-1 to L. 1225-28 and articles R. 1225-1, R. 1225-3, R. 1225-4 and R. 1225-11, relating to the protection of pregnancy and maternity, is punishable by a fifth-class fine; 2° Articles L. 1225-35 and L. 1225-36, relating to paternity leave; 3° Des articles L. 1225-37 à L. 1225-45, relating to adoption leave; 4° Des articles L. 1225-47 à L. 1225-52 et L. 1225-55,…
Failure to comply with the provisions of articles L. 1225-29 to L. 1225-33, relating to the ban on prenatal and postnatal employment and breastfeeding, is punishable by a fifth-class fine, imposed as many times as there are employees affected by the offence. A repeat offence under this article is punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the French Penal Code. In the event of more than one offence…
Failure to comply with the following provisions is punishable by a fourth-class fine: 1° Articles L. 1221-13, L. 1221-15 and L. 1221-15-1, D. 1221-23 to R. 1221-26, relating to the single personnel register ; 2° Articles L. 1221-17 and R. 1221-32 to R. 1221-33, relating to other cases of prior declaration. This fine is applied as many times as there are people employed under conditions likely to be sanctioned under…
Where the periods provided for by the legal provisions of this Title expire on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, they shall be extended until the next working day.
The letter of invitation provided for in article L. 1232-2 states the purpose of the meeting between the employee and the employer. It specifies the date, time and place of the meeting. It points out that the employee may be assisted at this meeting by a person of his choice from among the company’s staff or, if there are no representative bodies in the company, by an employee adviser.
An employee who wishes to be assisted by an employee adviser at the interview prior to dismissal must inform the adviser of the date, time and place of the interview. The employee shall inform the employer of this.
The employee adviser confirms to the employee that he will be coming or informs him immediately by any means that he cannot attend the interview.
The list of employee advisors is drawn up by the Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment, after consultation with the employers’ and employees’ organisations that are representative at national level and sit on the National Commission for Collective Bargaining, Employment and Vocational Training, whose observations must be submitted within one month. Employee advisors are chosen on the basis of their experience of industrial relations and their knowledge…
The list of employee advisers is drawn up in each département by the prefect and published in the prefecture’s administrative records. It is made available to employees in each labour inspection section and in each town hall.
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