Article D1237-11 of the French Labour Code
The new request referred to in article L. 1237-19-6 is sent by the electronic means provided for in article D. 1237-8.
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The new request referred to in article L. 1237-19-6 is sent by the electronic means provided for in article D. 1237-8.
The report on the implementation of the agreement on the Collective Agreement Breach referred to in article L. 1237-19-7, the content of which is set by order of the Minister for Employment, is sent to the competent Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment by electronic means no later than one month after the end of the implementation of the measures provided for in 7° of article…
The employer who finds that the employee has abandoned his post and intends to invoke the presumption of resignation provided for in article L. 1237-1-1 shall give him formal notice, by registered letter or by letter delivered personally against receipt, to justify his absence and to return to his post. In the event that the employee intends to invoke a legitimate reason from the employer such as to preclude a…
Failure to comply with the provisions of articles L. 1233-5 to L. 1233-7, relating to the criteria for ordering redundancies, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
Any collective redundancy for economic reasons of less than ten employees within the same thirty-day period without informing the administrative authority of the redundancy or redundancies decided upon, in disregard of the provisions of article L. 1233-19 or without including in this information the information provided for in article D. 1233-3, is punishable by the fine laid down for fourth-class offences.
Failure to issue an employee with an employment certificate, in breach of the provisions of article L. 1234-19, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
Failure to comply with the provisions of articles D. 1233-4 to D. 1233-10, relating to informing the administrative authority when ten or more employees are made redundant for economic reasons within the same thirty-day period, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
Failure to comply with the provisions of articles R. 1233-15 and R. 1233-16, relating to economic redundancies in the context of a receivership or compulsory liquidation, is punishable by a fourth-class fine.
Failure to comply with the provisions of articles R. 1234-9 to R. 1234-12 relating to the unemployment insurance certificate is punishable by a fifth-class fine.
Pursuant to 3° of Article L. 1242-2, the sectors of activity in which fixed-term contracts may be concluded for jobs for which it is common practice not to use open-ended contracts due to the nature of the activity carried out and the temporary nature of these jobs are as follows: 1° Forestry operations ; 2° Ship repair ; 3° Removals ; 4° Hotels and restaurants, leisure and holiday centres; 5°…
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