Article D1446-6 of the French Public Health Code
For the application of article D. 1432-17 in Mayotte, I is worded as follows: the reference to article: “D. 1432-15” is replaced by the reference to article: “D. 1446-5”.
For the application of article D. 1432-17 in Mayotte, I is worded as follows: the reference to article: “D. 1432-15” is replaced by the reference to article: “D. 1446-5”.
Articles D. 1432-28, D. 1432-37, D. 1432-39 and D. 1432-41 do not apply to Mayotte. Until the creation of specialised commissions in Mayotte, the Regional Health and Autonomy Conference will carry out the tasks of these commissions.
The Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy is made up of seven colleges whose members have the right to vote: 1° The college of representatives of local and regional authorities, comprising : a) The President of the Mayotte Departmental Council ; b) Two departmental councillors appointed by the Mayotte Departmental Council; c) Two representatives of the communes and groups of communes of Mayotte appointed by the Association of Mayors of…
For its application in Mayotte, article D. 1432-29 reads as follows: “The following shall participate in the work of the Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy in an advisory capacity: 1° The Prefect of Mayotte ; 2° The President of the Mayotte Economic, Social and Environmental Council; 3° The head of the government department responsible for social cohesion in Mayotte; 4° The Director General of the Regional Health Agency; 5°…
For the application of article D. 1432-30 in Mayotte, the reference to article D. 1432-28 is replaced by the reference to article D. 1446-8 and the words: “but may be a member of one or more of the specialised commissions mentioned in article D. 1432-31” are deleted.
For its application in Mayotte, article D. 1432-31 reads as follows: “The Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy organises its work within a standing committee. The list of its members is set by order of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.”
For the application of article D. 1432-32 in Mayotte, references to articles D. 1432-28 and D. 1432-29 are replaced by references to articles D. 1446-8 and D. 1446-9 respectively.
For the application of article D. 1432-34 to Mayotte, the first three paragraphs are replaced by the following paragraph: In addition to its chairman, the standing committee is made up of a maximum of ten members from the colleges mentioned in article D. 1446-8 elected in accordance with the procedures laid down by the internal regulations. In the fourth paragraph, the reference: “D. 1432-28” is replaced by the reference: “D….
For the application of article D. 1432-35 in Mayotte, the references to article D. 1432-28 and article D. 1432-32 are replaced by references to article D. 1446-8 and article D. 1446-12 respectively.
For its application in Mayotte, article D. 1432-42 is amended as follows: 1° In the first paragraph, the words: “the commission specialising in the rights of users of the healthcare system is responsible, in collaboration with the specialised commissions” are replaced by the words: “the conference is responsible”; 2° The last two paragraphs are deleted.
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