Article R1434-37 of the French Public Health Code
At its first meeting, each Territorial Health Board elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among its members at a plenary session.
At its first meeting, each Territorial Health Board elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among its members at a plenary session.
The plenary assembly of the Territorial Health Board shall draw up its rules of procedure. The rules of procedure: 1° Set the procedures for convening meetings and drawing up agendas and the quorum rules applicable to the Territorial Health Board; 2° Set the composition of the bureau; 3° Specify the composition and procedures for electing the members of the specific formation and specialised commission mentioned in article R. 1434-36. The…
The Director General of the Regional Health Agency, or his representative, may attend meetings of the Territorial Health Board, but may not vote. He may be assisted by persons of his choice. The Territorial Health Boards, their specific committees or commissions mentioned in article R. 1434-36 may hear and consult any person with particular expertise in the field of their missions, in particular the delegate of the Human Rights Defender…
The opinions and proposals of the territorial councils are forwarded to the Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy and its specialised commission on users’ rights. They are made public. The Director General of the Regional Health Agency informs the Territorial Health Boards of the action taken on their opinions and proposals within three months of their transmission.
The structures mentioned in III of article L. 1434-10 which have taken the initiative to draw up the territorial health project shall send the Director General of the regional health agency with territorial jurisdiction a document specifying the boundaries of the proposed territory and the list of persons or structures involved in drawing it up. In order to draw up this list, the territorial professional health community and the health,…
I. – The Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall determine by order, for each profession, the areas provided for in 1° and 2° of article L. 1434-4 according to the following criteria and their foreseeable development over three years: 1° The number, geographical distribution by age group, level of activity and practice patterns of practising healthcare professionals; 2° The health, demographic and social characteristics of the population; 3°…
The orders of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency referred to in I of Article R. 1434-41 are issued after consultation with the representatives of each health profession concerned sitting on the Regional Union of Health Professions and after obtaining the opinion of the Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy, which gives its opinion within two months of receipt of the request for an opinion. In the absence…
The orders of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency mentioned in I of article R. 1434-41 are reviewed at least every three years under the conditions set out in article R. 1434-42.
The territorial health professional community set up under the conditions of article L. 1434-12 may, in application of article L. 1434-12-1, pay allowances or remuneration to its members. The allowances referred to in the previous paragraph are determined in such a way as to compensate for the loss of income suffered by the members as a result of the duties they perform within the territorial professional healthcare community. The remuneration…
For the application of the provisions of the second and fifth paragraphs of article L. 1435-1 and of the last paragraph of article L. 1435-7, and of article 13 of decree no. 2004-374 of 29 April 2004, the regional health agency implements the actions, including inspections, and services necessary for the departmental prefect to exercise his powers in the fields of health monitoring, health security and policing, public health and…
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