Article R1432-132 of the French Public Health Code
The titular staff representatives on the National Consultative Committee appoint a committee secretary from among their number.
The titular staff representatives on the National Consultative Committee appoint a committee secretary from among their number.
The meeting notice sets the agenda for the meeting, which is drawn up by the Chairman in consultation with the Committee Secretary and, in the event of disagreement, by the Chairman alone. It is sent to Committee members at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting. Items relating to the agenda shall be sent at least eight days before the date of the meeting. Matters falling within the…
The National Consultative Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure. These set out the operating procedures for the performance of its duties.
The Committee may only validly deliberate if half of the staff representatives with voting rights are present at the start of the meeting. If the quorum is not reached, a new notice of meeting is sent to the members of the committee within a period of at least eight days following the initial notice of meeting, which then validly sits on the same agenda regardless of the number of voting…
The National Concertation Committee shall issue its opinions by a majority of the members present. If a vote is taken, only the staff representatives with voting rights shall take part. Voting is by show of hands. Abstentions are permitted. In the event of a unanimously unfavourable opinion of the staff representatives present with voting rights on a draft text, this draft shall be re-examined. A new deliberation is organised within…
After each meeting, minutes are drawn up by the secretary. They are signed by the chairman and countersigned by the secretary, and then sent to the committee members. They are submitted to the National Consultation Committee for approval at the committee meeting following their signature. It is then circulated to the agency committee of each regional health agency and made available to employees in accordance with the procedures set out…
The Chairman of the Committee, on his own initiative or at the request of a full member of staff, may call in experts to be heard on one of the items on the agenda. Experts do not have the right to vote. They may only attend that part of the discussions relating to the issues for which their presence has been requested, to the exclusion of voting.
Committee meetings are not open to the public. Persons participating in any capacity whatsoever in the work of the Committee are bound by the obligation of professional discretion with regard to information and documents that come to their knowledge in the course of this work.
Committee members are given every opportunity to carry out their duties. They shall be provided with all documents and papers necessary for the performance of their duties no later than eight days before the date of the meeting.
Permission is granted to staff representatives and alternates on the committee and, where applicable, to experts called to take part in meetings, to enable them to attend meetings simply on presentation of their invitation. The duration of this authorisation is calculated taking into account travel time, the foreseeable duration of the meeting and increased by a time equal to this duration in order to enable the persons concerned to prepare…
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