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Article 706-105-1 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

I.-Notwithstanding Article 11, the Paris Public Prosecutor may, for investigation or inquiry proceedings falling within the scope of Article 706-72-1, communicate to the State services mentioned in second paragraph of article L. 2321-2 of the French Defence Code, on its own initiative or at the request of these services, information of any kind contained in these procedures and necessary for the performance of their mission in terms of the security…

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Article 706-106 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Without prejudice to articles 706-81 to 706-87 and for the sole purpose of recording the offences referred to in 12° of Article 706-73, identify the perpetrators and accomplices and carry out the seizures provided for in this Code, officers of the judicial police and judicial police officers placed under their authority may, with the authorisation of the public prosecutor or investigating judge hearing the case, who shall give prior notice…

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Article 706-106-1 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

One or more judicial courts designated by decree shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the application of Articles 43,52and 382 of this code for the investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment of the crimes provided for in articles 221-1 to 221-5,222-1,222-3 to 222-6,222-23 to 222-26and 224-1 to 224-3 of the Criminal Code and all offences related to these crimes, when at least one of the two following conditions is…

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Article 706-106-2 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Within this or these judicial court or courts, the public prosecutor and the first president, after consulting the public prosecutor and the president of the judicial court, shall respectively designate one or more public prosecutors and investigating judges with special responsibility for the investigation, prosecution and investigation of offences falling within the scope of Article 706-106-1. Designated public prosecutors and investigating judges, as well as the public prosecutor at the…

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Article 706-106-3 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The public prosecutor at a judicial court other than that or those mentioned in Article 706-106-1 may, for offences covered by the same article 706-106-1, ex officio, on the proposal of the investigating judge or at the request of the parties, request the investigating judge initially seised to relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the investigating court with jurisdiction pursuant to the said article 706-106-1. If they did not initiate the…

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Article 706-106-4 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The public prosecutor may order an investigation or refer the matter to the investigating judge for the purpose of tracing the possible criminal career of a person convicted of offences under Article 706-106-1 or for whom there are one or more plausible reasons to suspect that he or she has committed or attempted to commit such acts.

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Article 706-107 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

For investigating, prosecuting, investigating and, in the case of misdemeanours, judging offences relating to the pollution of marine waters and waterways open to maritime navigation as provided for and punished by Chapter VIII of Title I of Book II of the code de l’environnement, which are committed in territorial waters, inland waters and navigable waterways, the jurisdiction of a judicial court may be extended to the jurisdiction of one or…

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Article 706-109 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The public prosecutor, the examining magistrate and the specialised correctional panel of the judicial court referred to in article 706-107 exercise, throughout the area of jurisdiction determined pursuant to this article, concurrent jurisdiction to that resulting from the application of articles 43,52,382 and 706-42. They also exercise, under the same conditions, concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the following jurisdictional criteria: 1° Place of registration of the vessel, craft or…

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