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Article D142-29 of the French Sports Code

Commissions may be created within the High Council for Mountain Sports by order of the Minister for Sport. This decree sets the composition, operating procedures and jurisdiction of these committees. The chairmen of these committees are appointed by the Minister for Sport from among the members of the Council. They report to the Chairman of the Board on the work of these committees.

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Article D142-30 of the French Sports Code

The Chairman of the Board of Governors prepares, coordinates and chairs the Board’s meetings. He ensures the continuity of its operation in liaison with the permanent secretariat. The Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Chairmen of the Committees may call on any person with expertise in the matters under discussion, in an advisory capacity. The Board is convened by its Chairman at least once a year or at…

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Article D142-39 of the French Sports Code

The Standing Conference on Women’s Sport may be consulted at the request of the Minister responsible for Sport, the Minister responsible for Women’s Rights, the Minister responsible for the Economy or the Minister responsible for Communication, or may be consulted on any draft law or draft regulatory text relating to the organisation of sport in France, as well as on any draft European Union act or international convention relating to…

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Article D142-40 of the French Sports Code

The Standing Conference on Women’s Sport is chaired by the Minister for Sport or her representative. In addition to its chair and the Minister for Women’s Rights, who is an ex officio member, it comprises : 1° Eleven representatives from the sports movement: a) Two representatives of sportsmen and women and one representative of sports trainers and educators, appointed by the Minister for Sport; b) One representative of sports referees…

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Article D142-41 of the French Sports Code

The members of the Standing Conference on Women’s Sport are appointed by order of the Minister for Sport for a period of three years. They may be reappointed once. The provisions of article 74 of law no. 2014-873 of 4 August 2014 for real equality between women and men and decree no. 2015-354 of 27 March 2015 on equal access for women and men to consultative or deliberative commissions and…

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Article D142-42 of the French Sports Code

The Standing Conference on Women’s Sport meets and operates under the conditions set out in articles R. 133-3 to R*. 133-13 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. It meets at least once a year in plenary session. It may meet in restricted formation depending on the work programme decided.

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Article R211-1 of the French Sports Code

The Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance (INSEP) is a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment under the supervision of the Minister for Sport, constituted as a major establishment within the meaning of article L. 717-1 of the Education Code. It is subject to the provisions of this same code and the texts adopted for its application, under the conditions set out in this code. Its…

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Article R211-1-1 of the French Sports Code

Pursuant to article L. 711-6 of the Education Code, the provisions of articles L. 611-1, L. 612-1, L. 612-5, L. 612-7, L. 613-1 to L. 613-5 of this code, those of Chapters I, IV, VII and IX of Title I of Book VII, those of articles L. 712-8 and L. 951-1, as well as the other provisions of the same code to which they refer, are extended to the establishment….

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Article R211-1-2 of the French Sports Code

The Minister for Sport exercises the powers devolved to the Minister for Higher Education and the Academic Regional Rector by articles L. 711-8, L. 712-8, L. 719-4, L. 719-5, L. 719-7, L. 719-8, L. 719-13 and L. 953-2 of the Education Code and by the regulations adopted for their application, with the exception of the provisions relating to the budgetary nomenclature, the management budget and the approval of the chart…

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