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Article D232-72 of the French Sports Code

The authorisation to use a prohibited substance or method for therapeutic purposes, provided for inarticle L. 232-2, is granted when each of the following conditions is met on a balance of probabilities: 1° The prohibited substance or method in question is necessary for the treatment of a medical condition whose diagnosis is supported by relevant clinical evidence ; 2° The therapeutic use of the Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method is…

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Article D232-72-1 of the French Sports Code

In exceptional circumstances, where it considers that it would be manifestly unfair not to grant it, the French Anti-Doping Agency may issue a Therapeutic Use Exemption taking effect on a date prior to its notification, in accordance with 5° ofArticle L. 232-2-1, even if the conditions set out inArticle D. 232-72 are not met.

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Article D232-73 of the French Sports Code

The application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption shall be sent to the Agency by the athlete, the person(s) with parental authority or the legal representative of the person concerned, by any means which enables the date of receipt of the application to be established with certainty. It includes: 1° The application form for authorisation drawn up by the Agency in accordance with the model provided by the World Anti-Doping Agency;…

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Article D232-73-1 of the French Sports Code

The Agency acknowledges receipt of an application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption under the conditions set out in articles R. 112-4 and R. 112-5 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. This acknowledgement of receipt begins a period of twenty-one clear days within which the Agency will notify the athlete of its decision. If the Agency remains silent after this period, it will be deemed to have…

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Article R232-74 of the French Sports Code

The Agency acknowledges receipt of the application for authorisation under the conditions set out in articles R. 112-4 and R. 112-5 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. This acknowledgement of receipt starts the twenty-one clear day period within which the Agency must notify the sportsperson of its decision. If the Agency does not respond to an application for a Therapeutic Use Exemption within this period, it…

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Article D232-75 of the French Sports Code

In order to examine the application for authorisation, the Agency may ask the athlete for any additional medical examinations or documents deemed necessary by the committee of experts provided for in article L. 232-2. The decision is notified to the athlete by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by electronic means. Where applicable, the person(s) with parental authority or the legal representative of the person concerned are informed in…

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Article D232-76 of the French Sports Code

The Committee referred to in article L. 232-2 comprises at least three doctors, chosen by the Chairman of the Agency from the list drawn up by the College of the Agency pursuant to article R. 232-10. The Committee appoints one of its members to act as secretary, with a casting vote in the event of a tie. The Committee secretary draws up and signs the minutes of the meeting, which…

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Article D232-77 of the French Sports Code

The Therapeutic Use Exemption specifies the substance, its dosage and route of administration, or the method to which it relates. Any change to any of these elements shall be requested from the President of the Agency, who shall determine whether a new application for authorisation is required. The authorisation shall specify the duration for which it is granted and shall automatically expire at the end of the period for which…

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Article D232-78 of the French Sports Code

Reasons are given for refusal of authorisation, in compliance with the rules set out in article L. 1110-4 of the Public Health Code. The applicant and, where applicable, the person(s) exercising parental authority or the legal representative of the person concerned, are notified of the refusal in a sealed envelope, together with the reasoned unfavourable opinion of the committee of experts provided for in article L. 232-2.

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Article R232-82 of the French Sports Code

All the medical examinations and documents required to examine the authorisation application are at the applicant’s expense. The applicant pays a flat-rate contribution to the costs of this investigation, according to a tariff set by the agency.

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