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Article R232-41-3 of the French Sports Code

I. – Five categories of data may be recorded in the automated processing of personal data mentioned in Article R. 232-41-1: 1° Data relating to the athlete’s civil status: a) Surname and first name ; b) Date and place of birth ; c) Sex; 2° Data relating to the athlete’s activity: a) Sport practised ; b) If the person concerned is a member of an approved national sports federation, the…

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Article R232-41-4 of the French Sports Code

The data referred to in Article R. 232-41-3 may be communicated to the French Anti-Doping Agency by : 1° The World Anti-Doping Agency via the anti-doping administration and management system hosted on a secure internet platform in Canada ; 2° An international sports federation that has entered into an agreement with the French Anti-Doping Agency for this purpose, on condition that the place where the processed data is hosted is…

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Article R232-41-5 of the French Sports Code

Only the following are authorised to record or modify the data mentioned in article R. 232-41-3: 1° For the data mentioned in 1° to 3° of article R. 232-41-3, the agents of the testing department of the Agence française de lutte contre le dopage ; 2° For the data mentioned in 4° and 5° of the same article, the agents of the analysis department of this agency; 3° For all…

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Article R232-41-6 of the French Sports Code

The data mentioned in b and c of 1°, 2° and 3° of article R. 232-41-3, on the one hand, and those mentioned in 4° and 5° of the same article, on the other hand, may only be reconciled for interpretation purposes by the person in charge of the athlete’s passport management unit.

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Article R232-41-7 of the French Sports Code

The following may receive the data referred to in article R. 232-41-3: 1° The World Anti-Doping Agency; 2° An international sports federation, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in 2° of article R. 232-41-4.

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Article R232-41-9 of the French Sports Code

The head of the athlete’s passport management unit is responsible for compliance with the processing management rules. The right of access and rectification may be exercised with the latter under the conditions set out in Articles 15 and 16 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. The data controller has two months in which to respond to the request. The right to object provided for in Article 21 of…

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Article R232-41-10 of the French Sports Code

The following documents and proceedings may be transmitted electronically, under conditions defined by the Agency: 1° The designation of athletes to form the Registered Testing Pool referred to in article L. 232-15 and compliance with the whereabouts obligations set out in that article; 2° The provisional suspension as a precautionary measure set out in article L. 232-23-4; 3° The athlete’s biological profile; 4° Applications for a Therapeutic Use Exemption or…

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Article R232-41-11 of the French Sports Code

Electronic transmissions are made using a dedicated computer application accessible via the Internet. The technical characteristics of this application guarantee the reliability of the identification of the recipients, the integrity of the documents sent and the security and confidentiality of exchanges between these persons and the French Anti-Doping Agency. They also make it possible to establish with certainty the date and time when a document was made available and when…

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